38|| sleepover and releases

Start from the beginning

Also in about an hour my song breathe is being released which I am so excited for. The music video is being filmed on the weekend.

 The music video is being filmed on the weekend

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♡  💬  ✉️


Evie up to a little something something 😉
annieleblanc Yasss gurl ly
evie 😂😂 ly2
johnnyorlando cant wait 🤪
evie me neither
evieisbae oooo What you up to??
evie 🤫🤫
jvolove ughhhhhhhh why does John hang out with her 🙄🙄
laurenorlando88 because she's our bestie
laurenorlando88 so excited 🎉🎉
evie ahhhhhh same
cheryltenns What's it gonna be. Another auto tuned "song"

I rolled my eyes at the last comment.

Seb comes running over with a duffle bag.

We sit at the table talking to Zoë when Alfie comes back with Macdonalds.

"Yasss." Zoë screams.

"Breathe comes out in five minutes!" Alfie exclaims.

We sit down with or food and I get YouTube on my laptop.

"I got my family, my best friend and the love of my life aka food with me and two minutes until something very special comes out." I record myself for Instagram stories.

I then get the promotion picture for Breathe and write a caption.

Alfie is recording us counting down and it's released.

I post the picture and we listen to it once while eating our food.

"It's soooo Good!" Seb side hugs me.

"I lahve it." Zoë tells me side hugging me.

"I'm proud of you." Alfie comes over and hugs me.

"Thank you." I blush.

After we scroll through social media.

I liked and followed a few of my fans and then helped clean up. After I change into my pjs and took off my makeup.

I tie my hair into a messy bun and downstairs Seb has changed and set out two mugs of tea.

"Alfie and I are gonna head up now. See you in the morning darlings." Zoë says kissing our cheeks.

Zalfie see Seb as a second child.

Alfie also says goodnight and they head up.

"Sooo?" I ask stirring my tea.

"Oh yes." He grins. "This Johnny dude." He raises an eyebrow.

"Yessss." I hold the s.

He wiggles his eyebrows and I roll my eyes.

"I'll even admit you two would be cute together." He says.

"I'm thirteen. I've already had a 'relationship' that's enough for the year." I say before sipping my tea.

"Come on. Johnny's more mature than Max." He groans.

"They are both fourteen." I say.

"What a shame though. It's not like Lauren and I have been talking." He sighs.

"Ooh Johnny's live." He says checking my phone.

He goes onto it since he knows my passcode and goes on.

"Hey Evie." Johnny says.

"Wait you've been talking to Lauren." I finally register what happened.

Johnny guests us and I get my phone off Seb.

"Hello." I smile placing the phone against a plant pot.

"My friend Seb is here." I smile pointing to the figure across from me.

"Oh. Lauren talks about you plotting something." He says.

"Congrats on your song by the way." He smiles and I smile back.

"Guys comment some questions and Seb, Evie and I will answer." He says.

"And me!" Lauren bounds into the room.

"And Lauren." I laugh as she sits beside Johnny on the bed.

"Are Johnny and Evie dating." Lauren reads a comment.

Johnny and I shake our heads.

"No. We just friends." I say.

"Best friends." He raises an eyebrow.

"Nope. I'm the best friend." Seb says.

"I thought I was your best friend." Lauren says.

"Ahhhh." I whisper scream.

They all laugh and we answer loads more questions.

"Are Johnny and Evie doing another song together?" Seb reads out.

Johnny and I raise one finger to our mouths. Yes we are writing another song since we had such fun and Sierra thinks it will be good for us.

"When is Evie going over to Canada?" Johnny reads.

"I actually don't know." I shrug.

"Is Seb making a YouTube Channel?" Lauren reads .

"Yasss." He throws his hands in the air.

"Can Lauren and Evie please do a song together." I read.

"Maybe." We both shrug.

After Lauren and Johnny have to go and Seb and I are on our second cup of teas.

We have made our way out to the back garden furniture with duvets wrapped around us.

We talk about deep stuff and some light hearted jokes.

"I'm sorry to bring this up but seriously. I ship it." Seb smiles.

I laugh.

"You atleast have to find him good looking." He says.

"He's not bad." I smile sipping on tea.

"So you would get with him." Seb raises an eyebrow.

"No! I'm just saying he's alright looking." I say.

"Wait six months." Seb whispers.

"I heard that." I kick his leg.

"You were meant to." He sarcastically smiles.

After we go inside and watch YouTube until we fall asleep.

I WENT BACK TO SCHOOL! I'm sorry for not updating till today. Just been sort of stressful in school. Anyway. I'll proabably update next week so byeeeeeeee x 

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