iii. You make me begin

Magsimula sa umpisa

The sun made my headache worse, and I was regretting ( even tho it was the fucking best ) the food I ate. I put my sunglasses on, and reached for Edwards hand lacing our fingers together. "So what's the tea were telling everyone? Are we together, are we not?" I asked, I didn't know what we were labeling what we were. If there was even a we.

"We don't have to label what we are because of what others think" he said simply, pulling my hand to make me stop. "We are what every we want to be." He said placing a soft kiss on my lips. I smiled at him, nodding and beginning to walk again.

" I want you to come over after school, to meet my family?" He asked almost hesitantly. I paused for a moment, I wasn't ready to meet his family. I knew I wasn't, but the look in his eyes made me regret even thinking of saying no, or making an excuse. And right now, I was starting to realize the benefit of Edward not being able to read my thoughts.

Edward squeezing my hand brought me out of my thoughts, "it's alright if you don't want to, I'm not forcing anything on you." He said, a small smile on his lips. I shook my head, "no it's alright I'll meet them." I smiled at him, kissing his cheek lightly, "you've already met Macon and Yoongi, it's only fair."

He smiled happily pulling me close and then letting me go, "I'll walk you to your class." I nodded, lacing our fingers together once more. "If my siblings try to talk to you ... ignore them, especially Rosalie, she's ... upset with me at the moment and I don't want to risk anything." He said seriously, I hummed nodding my head and smiling at him slightly.

It worried me, the thought of having a being capable of inhuman strength have a strong dislike towards me. I knew I could protect myself if it truly came down to it, but would Rosalie truly hurt me knowing Edward and I are, whatever this is.

We reached the art room and I groaned, "aish I really don't want to be here." Edward chuckled, walking forward and backing me up into the door. He reached his hand up slowly by my head, leaning in and lightly brushing his lips with mine. A knock by my ear startled me, he pulled back smirking.

"Have fun." He chuckled, turning quickly and walking away. I was still frozen in my spot, red cheeks, and back against the door. I stumbled once the door opened, "Ms.Duchanne I'm glad you could join us."

I arrived to Biology with a smile on my face only for it to falter once seeing Edward wasn't at his seat. I glanced at the board once seeing the topic, Blood types, we were taking samples of blood, this explained why Edward hadn't shown up to class. I had never been that great with handling blood myself, the sight and smell of blood made me feel sick and dizzy.

I had to partner up with two other girls in my class, Lily and Morgan. They were nice, but were obviously not the smartest in the class. When it was Lily's turn I was alright surprisingly, I wasn't too sick but I wasn't 100 percent. When Morgan went, I could feel myself becoming dizzy and sick.

I quickly sat down and placed my head on the table, before Morgan nudged me, signaling to go next. I shakily stood up, before losing balance and falling. My eyesight was foggy after the impact of my head hitting the floor, everyone crowded around.

Mrs. Lawrence's head popped up infront if my eyes, "Athena! Athena are you alright." Her voice sounded fuzzy and distant. "I'll take her to the nurse." A voice offered, lifting me up swiftly. "Thank you mike!" Mrs. Lawrence said, I immediately began to try and protest before realizing I was too weak. I gave up, finally passing out.

I woke again, to being myself being sat down, I groaned bringing my hand to my forehead. I looked up only for Mike to be in front of my face, I immediately stood up, us bumping our heads. "Fuck!" Mike shouted, grabbing his forehead, "are you alright." He asked.

Stoner ♡ Edward Cullen Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon