Chapter 19

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Abby's POV
As Auston and I are leaving the ACC after skating for about an hour and thirty minutes. We walk out hand and hand in a comfortable silence,

"We leave for the longest road trip tomorrow," I sigh,

"I know, I'm going to miss you," I say looking up at him feeling my eyes starting to water,

"Me too," he says pulling me into a hug,

"I'm worried about Mitch. I don't think he should go because his  head isn't where it needs to be," he sighs,

"Maybe you should talk to Babs, I can look out for him but I don't know how to make sure that he is ok," I sigh feeling him pull me closer to his chest.

"When we get to the car let's call Babs together and talk to him," I nod and we head towards his car. Once we get in he calls Mike, on the 3rd ring he picks up,

"Hey, Auston, what's up?" 

"I'm here with Abby Marner and we wanted to talk to you about Mitch,"

"Is this about what happened this morning?"

"Yes," Auston and I say at the same time,

"What's up?" I look at Auston and he nods his head,

"I don't know how my brother is feeling, but I'm worried about the road trip that starts tomorrow. He is really down on himself and I don't think playing hockey is the best idea right now,"

"Ok, that makes sense. I can set him up with a therapist,"

"I already set him up with mine because I deal with anxiety, but she can't see him till after the road trip and I'm worried that being around the trigger for his anxiety will make it worse," I hear Mike sigh and I look at Auston with tears in my eyes,

"Abby, I love you and your brother but unfortunately because of injury we have to have Mitch play. I will keep an eye on him and talk to him if it gets to a point I will scratch him, but we just need to see how it goes," I look at Auston,

"Ok," I say.

"Alright well, I have to go. Auston, I will see you bright and early tomorrow,"

"Bye Babs, see you tomorrow," Auston says hanging up. I look at him and he just shrugs his shoulders. I sigh scrolling through Instagram on my phone. 

"He will be ok," I look at him and smile,

"I love you, Aust," his serious face turns into a giant smile that no one ever sees.

"I love you to Abs, now should we go get a milkshake?" I nod my head. Auston and I head to our favorite milkshake place. I make sure to get Mitch and Steph there favorite milkshakes hoping it will make Mitch feel better. Auston drops me off at Mitch's apartment,

"I would come in with you, but I think Mitch needs some space and I need to pack," I smile and nod,

"That's sweet of you Auston. Have a good road trip, I will be watching," I kiss him and head upstairs.

"Mitch! Steph!" I yell into the apartment,

"Upstairs!" Someone yells back. I head upstairs and into Mitch's room. They are laying on Mitch's bed cuddling. I smile and hand them their milkshakes,

"Where's Auston?" Steph asks,

"He needed to go back to his apartment to pack for tomorrow," Steph nods and Mitch looks at the bed. I can tell he has something on his mind,

"Steph can you go get some Gatorade from the fridge?" She looks at me weird but says,

"Ok" She gets up and heads downstairs. I lay down next to Mitch who just puts his head on my chest and starts crying,

"I talked to Babs, and he said you need to go on the road trip but he wants you to communicate with him. Don't go quiet, he said if you aren't where you should be that he will sit you  and let you go home but he wants you to try," Mitch sighs,

"I don't want to look like a wimp,"

"Mitch you are not a wimp, you are obviously suffering from some mental health problems which most people suffer from including me," I say. Mitch sighs as he cuddles back into me we stay there till Steph comes back. She smiles as I get up and head back to my room. I decide that it is time to do some homework and studying. I dig myself into my studying hole.


I wake up the next morning to Auston sitting on my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as he hands me a coffee. I smile as he says,

"I wanted to come see you before I leave for two weeks," I sip my coffee,

"Well come cuddle, then if you want I can drive you to the airport," he smiles,

"I actually have to go right now but I love you and I will see you soon," I nod sitting up kissing him,

"Take care of Mitchy for me ok?" he nods and smiles, "Love you," I say as he stands up and heads out the door. Soon Mitch comes in and hugs me,

"I'm going with Auston to the airport," I nod and say,

"Call me if you need anything ok?" he nods and pulls away and walks out of the room. I check the time and notice that it is 8:00 I decide to get up and get ready for the day. I hop in the shower and get ready as fast as possible. I french braid my hair, put on minimal makeup and put on my scrubs. I eat a quick breakfast and head to Toronto sick kids to get started with my pediatric surgery rotation. 

Hi everyone! Long time no see. I have come back to this book and I plan on updating this book and my Mitch Marner book which all of you should check out! Hope you enjoy, don't forget to comment and vote! Thanks for reading!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2018 ⏰

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