Chapter 14

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Abby's POV
We are back in Toronto and everything is finally returning to normal. The bye week is over and we just had the all-star weekend. I didn't go to Tampa with Auston but by what he tells me he had a great time. We still haven't told anyone that we are dating, but I know by now that Mitch has figured it out and has been ok with it as far as I know. The boys just finished their game against the Islanders which they won. I stayed home and watched it in my room because I have a ton of homework and I needed to finish it. About twenty minutes after the game, I get a text from Auston

Aus ❤️
The boys want to go out tonight, do you want to come?

I really wish I could but I have an 8 am tomorrow morning and I still have some homework to do 😢. I'm sry

Aus ❤️
It's ok. I will see you tomorrow ❤️❤️❤️

See you ❤️

I set my phone to the side and continue reading my textbook and taking notes. About an hour later I hear the front door open. I just assume that it's Mitch coming back to change before going out, but to my surprise, my bedroom door opens and I see Auston standing in front of me. 

"I decided that going out with the boys wouldn't be as fun as being with you,"

"You are the sweetest thing ever," I say standing up and kissing him. He steps over my school work and sits down on my bed,

"So what confusing scientific thing is my beautiful genius of a girlfriend working on tonight?" I blush and giggle,

"Well I was reading my biochem textbook but you interrupted me," he chuckles,
A/N: I have decided that Abby is going to be in med school not in a pre-med program I know she's young but whatever lol

"That was my intention. You need to take a break, so we are going to go out for dinner. Nowhere fancy just some dinner because I know you haven't eaten." I roll my eyes he knows me so well.

"Ok fine give me a minute to brush my hair then we can go" He nods and goes on his phone while I do what I need to do. We head out and Auston drives us to our destination. I don't know where we are going but I trust him. As we are driving I check my numbers, I am a little low but since I am about to eat it is ok. Auston looks over and sees that I am checking my numbers and asks,

"How have your numbers been?" After what happened he has been concerned about my health mentally and physically,

"They have been fine, I am going to see my Endocrinologist on Monday so I will really know how my numbers have been." As he pulls up to a red light he looks at me,

"What time on Monday?" I raise my eyebrows

"4:00" He nods,

"I'm coming with you"

"Are you now?" I ask, he nods.

"Ok well I will pick you up at 3:30 and we can go." He smiles and as the light turns green I put my hand on his. We pull into the restaurant and head in. We take a seat in the back and begin looking at the menu after about 30 minutes I have a chicken salad in front of me and Auston has some sort of meat. All of the sudden Auston says,

"Abby I was thinking that it's time,"

"Time for what" 

"to tell everyone that we are dating, or at least make it official," he says raising his eyebrow. I take a deep breath,

"I don't know Auston..."

"Abby we have been dating for 3 weeks and I think it's time that people know." I sigh knowing that he is right,

"You are right Auston I'm just nervous," he reaches over the table and grabs my hand,

"Nothing will happen I can promise that." I just nod,

"Sounds good" His face lights up and a giant smile forms. We continue to eat and have some small talk. After dinner, Auston drops me off at home and I take the elevator up to the apartment, as I get closer I hear blasting music coming from the apartment. I sigh and open the door, immediately I am greeted by the entire Toronto Maple Leafs team that is incredibly drunk having a party. Exactly what I need right now, I try to sneak up to my room but I am interrupted by a very drunk Steph. She screams,

"GUESS WHO DECIDED TO SHOW UP!!! ABBY COME ON LET'S TAKE SOME SHOTS!!!" I roll my eyes as she drags me to the bar. The bartender raises his eyebrows at me. I shake my head and he nods. He gives Steph a shot of tequila and me a shot of water. 

"1 2 3" She screams and she downs her shot, I down my water acting like it was tequila. I put my hand on her shoulder,

"Let's go find Mitch" I yell. She nods vigorously. I look around and spot him across the room sitting on a chair talking with a few boys he doesn't look too drunk. I drag Steph away from the bar and towards him. I clear my throat and Mitch looks up, his eyes immediately widen,

"Here is your girlfriend, I am going to my room to try to finish the shit ton of homework I have. Good night." I say trying not to sound mad. Steph clings onto Mitch and I head upstairs, knowing that I definitely won't be able to get anything done I call Auston he answers on the first ring,

"What's up Abs? Couldn't  go twenty minutes without me?" 

"Actually can you come pick me up Mitch decided to throw a party..." he chuckles,

"I will be there in ten."

"Alright bye"

"Bye babe." He hangs up and I quickly gather my things packing up. I sneak back downstairs and head out without any interruptions. I go down the lobby and wait for Auston. He texts me and I head out of the building and we head to his apartment.

The next morning I wake up face to face with Auston. I kiss him on the forehead and go downstairs I make him some breakfast and leave a note on the counter. I grab my waffle to go and head to school. 

After hours in the cadaver lab, I head home smelling like a rat. I walk up to the apartment hoping that Mitch cleaned it up. I walk in to see a nice clean apartment but no sine of Mitch. I head upstairs and get a headstart on my homework.

This chapter sucks but oh well. There will be some drama next chapter! ~ Abby

Brother's Best Friend ~ Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now