Chapter 2

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Well, you all probably want to know a little about me. I am Abby Marner, which you already know. I am 20 years old and was born on May 5th. I have a twin brother Mitch and my older brother Chris. My parents, Paul and Bonnie Marner who I love very much but sometimes I don't feel treated equally because having a twin brother in the NHL is hard to live up too. I grew up in Thornhill, Ontario, Canada. I currently go to the University of Toronto and I am apart of there med school, which is very prestigious. I take my school work very seriously and hope to become a pediatrician someday. I know I have a LONG road ahead of me. I also have type one diabetes, the worst disease that could be put upon anyone. I have had it since I was 10, that was the worst year of my life, but we will get to that story a different time. Now onto the story:

I wake up the sound of pots and pans being tossed around in the kitchen, and two boys in conversation. I shake my head giggling to myself. I hop into the shower and get ready for my day. Today is a Saturday, so I don't have class thank god. I don't know what I want to do today, I know Mitch has practice, and Connor will want to go to see some of his friends, so I'm going to the ice rink. I head downstairs to see food EVERYWHERE,

"CONNOR, MITCH WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU??!!" I hear footsteps, and they come running. They come into the kitchen and their eyes widen, "Well who wants to explain this?" I say giving them a look,

"He did it!" They say at the same time. I roll my eyes and walk away while saying "You two are cleaning this up." I head back up to my room and lay back on my bed. I receive a text message from mom,

Mom: Hey! Do you want to get me and your dad some tickets for the home game against the Blackhawks tomorrow? We wanna surprise Mitch so can you get tickets from him but say that it's for some friends.

Abby: Sure, where do you want to sit?

Mom: Center ice, second level.

Abby: Ok, perfect.

I roll my eyes and get up. Typical mom although I love her she always does things for Mitch and not much for me. She's always asking me to plan things for her and dad to see Mitch and I just tag along. I go downstairs to see that Mitch and Connor have cleaned up the kitchen, and now Auston is overplaying video games with them.

"Mitch, can we talk for a second?" OOOHHH. I hear from the living room we both roll our eyes and walk into the kitchen.

"What's up Abs?" Mitch asks,

"Can I have four tickets to tomorrow night's game?"

"Sure. Why?" I quickly come up with an excuse in my mind

"Um. Three of my friends have never been to a hockey game and they wanted to come to one."

"Of course they can come Abs, Where do you want to sit?"

"Center ice? A couple of rows up?" He gives me a look knowing that those are our parent's favorite seats so hopefully he doesn't catch on.

"Of course. I'll get them to you by tonight." I just nod and head back up to my room. I immediately text Steph because I know I'm going to need her to come with me tomorrow night or I will get eaten alive.

Abby: Hey! I need to ask you a huge favor...

Stephy: What's up babe?

Abby: So my parents asked me to get them tickets to surprise Mitch tomorrow night, so I did but I can't sit with them alone so do you want to sit with us...???

Stephy: Of course! Don't want you to sit alone. ;)

I smile happily because Steph knows me so well. She knows that my parents love Mitch over me because they believe that he has succeeded so much. I guess getting a 5.0 GPA, graduating as your high school valedictorian, and getting into the most prestigious med school program there is isn't good enough. I sigh setting down my phone. I decided to put on some exercise clothes and go for a run, I need to blow off some steam. I grab my phone and my headphones and head out. I quickly text Mitch to let him know since it seems like they are very deep into there video game.

About halfway through my run, I get a text from Connor;

Con: Hey! I know you only run when you need to blow off steam. Do you want to get lunch when you come back and catch up? Then we can head to your brother's practice, and maybe skate a little ourselves. Playing video games is getting boring, especially since I keep destroying your brother and Auston.

Abs: Of course! I'm on my way home give me twenty minutes.

Con: Sounds good.

I smile while turning around heading back home. Connor always knows how to cheer me up. I arrive back at the apartment after my run just as Mitch was reaching for the door to head out for the ACC. I smile and nod knowing where he was going,

"Abs, you're tickets are on the table."

"Ok, have fun at practice." I grab the tickets and find Connor. I find him in the guest room on his bed on his phone.

"Ready to go? I know just the place." He nods and gets up. We leave the apartment and head down to the parking garage where my car is parked. We begin our drive towards the gabardine, one of my favorite places to eat in downtown Toronto. We head in and take a seat, I order an iced coffee and some avocado toast, Connor gets a coffee with cream and sugar and a burger. As we are waiting for our food we dive deep into conversation about med school, and hockey. Soon enough the dreaded conversation topic that I didn't want to come up came up,

"So Abs, how's Auston?" By Auston, he means Auston Matthews. Yes, thee Auston Matthews.

"Well he's a jerk, so I don't talk to him after what happened." Conner knows that after what Auston did to me I could never forgive him. Let's just say that I date him for about a month till he went home and cheated on me...

"Abs you need to forgive him someday, you know he is still in love with you, and that it was forced all by Jordyn." I roll my eyes,

"Conner you know I can't just forgive him, he needs to apologize a million times before I even consider it." Soon enough are food and drinks come and our conversation is replaced by chewing from both of us.

"Conner, can you take a picture of me." He nods and rolls his eyes knowing that he will see it on Instagram later. I give him a small smile and hand him my phone. He takes the picture and I take my phone back looking at it.

"Thanks, Con."

" Your welcome its a pretty well-taken picture if I do say so myself." I roll my eyes and the waitress sets down the check. I quickly grab it before Conner notices and put my credit card in and give it to her.

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AbbyMarner: lunch dates with @connormcdavid

Connormcdavid: ily bff. Also pc
Stephanielachance: gorg also super artsy
Mitchmarner: pretty sister. Good photography skills @connermcdavid
Connormcdavid: Thanks man but I think I got lucky.

Once the check is paid and I'm ready to go. I drag Connor's attention away from his phone

"Ready to head to practice?" He nods and we head off.

Brother's Best Friend ~ Auston MatthewsWhere stories live. Discover now