Chapter 3

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Connor and I are walking into the building laughing about something. We soon are sitting in the second row watching the Leafs practice. I watch Mitch goof off with Matty his "father". Their relationship is actually really sweet and I'm happy that Mitch has a fatherly figure here to help him because I definitely can't help him with hockey. It's definitely more his thing, but that doesn't mean I didn't play. I played till I was a senior in high school till I broke my ankle and tore my Achilles so I decided to step back and let Mitch be the star hockey player. I'm pulled out of my thoughts by a BANG on the glass. I look up to see William standing at the blue line smiling and waving. I roll my eyes and wave back. I go back into my thoughts until I'm interrupted once again,

"You miss it don't you?" Connor says. Dammit, I forgot he was here,

"Yeah but I can't do anything about it, so I will be a good sister and watch and not show my jealousy." Connor is the only one that knows that I was offered a full-ride scholarship to the University of North Dakota to play on there woman's varsity hockey team. My parents don't even know three years later. But after my injury, I had to turn it down because I couldn't get myself to play hockey again.

"Abs, I know you're still upset about your injury and having to turn down UND but look where you are now. You're watching your brother play in the NHL. You're in the top 5 percentile of your med school class and your kicking ass in Toronto one step at a time. You don't need a full ride hockey scholarship to help you succeed." I smile and hug him. He always knows what to say. That's why I went to him because he always knows no matter the situation.

"I'm so happy you came Connor. I missed you." We turn our attention back to the practice. Coach Babcock is going light today because of the game tomorrow.

About an hour later, the practice is over and Connor and I walk down to the locker room to wait for Mitch to come out. When we got down there Connor turned to me and said,

"I need to put this on you." He says pulling out a bandana. I give him a look of confusion and with some hesitation I let him tie the bandana on me. He leads me into what smells like the locker room, he sits me down and takes off my shoes. Knowing where he is going with this I begin to worry. I haven't gone on the ice since my accident and I really don't want today to be the day.

"Con, I know where this is going and I would really appreciate if we didn't go down the route."

"Abs, I know you're nervous but there is more to this than getting on the ice so just trust me ok. I won't let anything happen to you." I just nod, but another thing comes to my mind my numbers I haven't checked since the beginning of the practice,

"Connor before we get on the ice I have to check my numbers."

"Of course, but I am going to have to do it for you because you can not take your blindfold off." Once again skeptical of what he has planned I nod and let him do his thing. He checks my numbers I help him give me some insulin. Once we are finished, he helps me up and we head thru the tunnel, and soon enough I smell the familiar scent of the ice. I stop in my tracks knowing what we are approaching.

"Connor take my bandana off please." I hear him sigh him knowing that he isn't going to win this fight, but he tried anyway,

"Abs, I have you. You will be fine." I roll my eyes which he can't see and stand my ground.

"Connor Mcdavid take my fucking blindfold off."

"Sorry hunny can't do that, but I can do this." I feel myself being lifted and soon enough I hear Connor's skates hit the ice and skate somewhere which I can not figure out. Soon enough, I feel myself being set on the ice. Suddenly, the blindfold comes off but I keep my eyes closed trying to remember the feeling of the ice under my feet. I slowly and carefully open my eyes to see the whole maple leafs team, and the WAGS all on the ice with big smiles on there faces. I stand there for motionless for a couple of minutes before Connor whispers in my ear,

"You good?" I just nodded hoping he would go away and maybe take everyone with him. There were a thousand thoughts going through my head. Being on the ice was scary and I really didn't want my first time on the ice in front of the whole TML team and there girlfriends/wives. Connor just skates away and going up to Mitch whispering in his ear. Mitch nodded and turned to Steph saying something inaudible to me, she just nods and skates off with everyone following her. Mitch comes up to me,

"What's up?"

"Mitch, you know I can't do this in front of the whole team. I haven't skated in three years and you put me in front of the whole team and expect me to be ok?" Mitch sighs knowing that I'm right.

"I know Abs, but we all thought it would be easier if you were around people that you love."

"MITCH YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT THESE THINGS. FOR GOD SAKES!" I take a deep breath trying to calm down. "Look Mitch you're my brother and I know you are just looking out for me, but sometimes I need to do things on my own." He smiles and pulls me into a hug.

"Well do you want me to leave you here? Or stay?"

"Can you stay?" I say quietly looking down at my feet.

He nods and starts to skate around. I stand there watching Mitch do what he loves to do, and I start to think about how much I miss it, how much my injury ruined my life dreams. I was one of the best and could have made the Olympics, but life sucks. Soon enough I work up the courage to push off one skate then the other than the other until I was up to a normal skating pace. Soon enough I catch up to Mitch and he just smiles. We skate around for a little not talking just skating. After about ten minutes he turned to me,

"Can I bring the surprise back out?" I laugh

"Of course Mitchell. Would never want to ruin your surprises." He rolls his eyes and skates off the ice.  I skate towards center ice and take in my surroundings. The ACC was quite large but it was beautiful especially when it was empty. Soon enough my thoughts were interrupted by Steph coming over and hugging me. She knows how hard this has been for me and I know she's proud. Everyone starts to socialize and skate around. I float around talking to people and getting used to the ice again. About an hour and a half later the boys want to start a game including the WAGS. I was very hesitant so I sat down on the bench with Molly Bozak and Kanon.

"Abby, why aren't you out there?" Molly asks

"Well I just got on the ice for the first time today so I don't think I'm ready to play a real game yet." She nods understanding where I'm coming from and setting her attention to the squirming Kanon.

"Well I think I'm going to go take him (Kanon) to the playroom because he has a ton of energy." I nod and watch her walk towards the locker room. As the game goes on I watch the players and wife's mess around. About half an hour later I decide that I couldn't watch this anymore so I got up and left but first I texted Con

Abs: I'm going home couldn't watching anymore hockey.

I headed home made some hot coco and watched Netflix in my room alone. I️ just wanted some alone time.

Brother's Best Friend ~ Auston MatthewsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon