Chapter Six

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(Picture of Dominique)


Oddly, I was feeling pretty relaxed where ever I was. My eyes were closed and honestly I wanted it to stay that way. I didn't know if had gone and fell asleep in the alley or not. My memory was malfunctioning and I still couldn't remember a thing to save my life.

I turned on my side and realized that I was laying on something soft and comfortable. Maybe a bed? A couch? A cloud in heaven?

So, if I wasn't in the alley then where was I?

As if God heard my question and decided to answer it for me, I heard a loud screeching cry not too far away from me. "Is my baby going to be okay?!"


Okay so I was at home then. But how in the world did I get here? As I recalled yesterday, I couldn't move a muscle because of how badly my body would give off an intense stinging pain if I tried to do so. Out of all of this, how did I make it home?

Again, as if God heard me..."Ms. Perez, don't worry. He'll be fine. He just needs some rest, that's all."

What the...? My eyes shot open hearing her voice. What the hell was Dominique doing at my house? I could have sworn I ran away from her yesterday so how did she find me in the alley and wait, how did she know where I live?

So many questions that I needed answers too.

"Are you sure?" I heard my mom barely say over her loud dramatic crying. Ugh. She could be so embarrassing sometimes.

"Yes, Ms. Perez. Go back to bed okay? You need your rest too. He shouldn't go to school today at the condition he's in." what condition was I in exactly? Whatever happened yesterday couldn't have been that bad. Yes, my clothes had been cut and yes, strangely I had blood dripping from my forehead and yes, it felt like I had a fever right about now but I couldn't be that bad...right?

I was pretty surprised when I heard my mom go upstairs and close her bedroom door shut. My mom never really listened to anyone before. She was one of the stubborn types of people. I mean, I was sort of stubborn too. Stubbornness ran in my family but for my mom it was like she had built a brick wall around her and refused to let anyone tell her what to do, when to do it and how.

If Dominique just talked my mother into doing something then there was something about that girl that just didn't suit right with me.

Oh yeah. I forgot I was still lying down like and idiot, talking to myself. I quickly rose up and noticed that (maybe) when she took me home, she had laid me on the couch in the living room.

"Ow." I groaned, placing my head in my hands. Okay...maybe raising up so fast wasn't the best idea I came up with so far. An unbearable pain started throbbing against my brain. Just my luck.

"You know you should really be more careful." I slowly looked up and noticed Dominique leaning on the wall to my left with her arms crossed, having that tiny 'I told you so' smirk growing on her face.

Wow. She looked...different? I mean, like a whole new makeover different. She had completely changed her outer appearance and quite frankly, I wondered why. She had dyed her golden honey brown hair...purple and was that fake beauty mark above her upper lip?

I forced down a gulp, eyeing her up and down. See, I told you something wasn't right about her. I made a mental note to put her on my 'danger' list later. "W-what are you d-doing here?"

Dominique raised her eye brows at me for a second before crossing her arms then throwing her hands in surrender. "Hey. I saved your ass yesterday buddy." Again. What was up with that smirk? It was really bothering the crap out of me. I felt chills run up and down my spine as I tried to steady the nervous, noticeable shaking I was doing at the moment.

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