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Chapter- Not This Time Babydoll.

Sometimes in life you fell numb of everything around you. Sometimes you cried because of the circumstances , sometimes you laughed and life goes on. Now as Camy was busy shuffling the suitcases and wodden boxes. She is busy as to rip her head off or to run away from all this.

She didn't think that she has to face Lucas after five years nor she has ever dreamt of the said meeting. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath before picking up her suitcase and started throwing her clothes into it. She had nearly done all the packing as she was already moving. So she just throws all her toliteries into her bag and zipped it up.

She shuts all the lights and doors of her flat and moved towards the lift. Cammy fumbled through her purse to check her car keys just in time to see a figure thumping on her flat's door. Cammy looked closely to see who the man is and it was HIM.

"What the hell are you doing up here? I told you to wait outside. Did'nt i?" Cammy hissed at the newcomer.

" Look, we dont have time for this okay. Lucas is close. we can do this another time, just give me your bags." HE said and cammy hurriedly gave it to him.

They both took the elevator to the parking lot and race down to HIS car.

Just when they seated, they saw lucas car entering the parkimg lot and him heading upstairs.

"That was close." Cammy sighed.

"Well i did'nt have to be if you just listened to me the first place." HE said angrily.

" Don't use that tone on me okay. I listened to you. I packed up my bags, i was ready to leave again. I - i just wanted to say goodbye to my friends at the diner. Was that too much to ask? " cammy angrilly said.

"Look cammy this is not like that okay. I just want you to be safe. And i know i have no right to be angry with you. But i just so tired of all this." HE sighed heavily and changed the gears of the car.

Cammy struggled to not cry and maintained the eye on the road through out the journey. The car halt to a stop near the airport amd cammy grabbed her bags and took off not bothering to say goodbye to the newcomer.

He expected that much. He knew that how hard it is for cammy but you have got to do what you have got to do. He could lie and tell her everything is fine and aame as yesterday but he just could'nt. He have to do what is asked of him. He himself is struggling with everything that is going on for 5 years now.

"Madam, Ticket please?" Groundstaff asked cammy.

"Madam?" He asked again and cammy stood there stunned. She can't bring herself to leave this town. She don't want to run anymore. She is sick and tired of it. With that thought she turned and exited through 2nd gate. Where she knew HE won't be.

She know how much risk she is taking by staying here. But she can't run away anymore.

"What are you doing? " he suddenly appeared on her side.

"I don't want to run anymore." Camy finally said. The man's eyes widened by her words in shock.

"Are you 100% sure?" He asked her again to be sure.

"Yes. I am. I can't do this anymore. Its tiring. I don't want to repeat the routine again Anas again. I am tired. Just -just bring me home." Camy finally said with conviction in her voice

The man smiled and extended the hand towards camy to take. Camy took the hand and they both took the flight to New York. Where camy's house is.

They made themselves comfortable in the airplane. The whole ride camy was anxious,  nervous. She afraid of what would be in new York. How will her family receive her. Will they be mad? Furious? Forgiving?.

Camy sighed and looked at the man who helped her throughout all this. She never thought he would be someone who will willingly help her. He stayed even when she told him no to. He never left. For that camy is grateful. Not that she is going to tell him that.

    The flight landed and camy nervously watched as the man took their bags and placed it in the sports car he own.

The man have her his phone and camy looked at him confusedly.
"Call your mom. Its better to be prepared to what to expect." He said and camy nodded.

She took the phone but she couldn't bring herself to dial the phone. The man saw that and placed a hand on her thigh. "You can do this cam.  You have done things that were harder than this. Its nothing compared to that. " but cammy just shooked her head side to side.

Her eyes brimming with unshead tears. He know how hard it is for her. He know that she is afraid of the things ,  of future but he also know that camy is the strongest women he have ever met and she can do this. Its a hell lot more easier than anything she has ever done.

"I made a mistake. Didn't I?  They must hate me for leaving them. I know they do. Hell i would have hated myself if I would blike there place. I shouldn't have come." Canny said shakily

"Hey look!you did right. Its time.  You can't run away forever.  And nobody could hate you. Nobody." He told her with certainty.

"Luke does" camy said while looking at the man's eyes.

"Because he doesn't know why you did what you did." The man reminded her again.

"And he will never know, marcos ." Camy said pointedly to him.

Marcos nodded amd said "do it. Dial her number cam."

With that camy dialed her mother's number expecting the worst.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2018 ⏰

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