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"Come on, Gabriel!" I heard Richard yell. I let out a sigh. I didn't want to go to school. People wouldn't leave me alone. Some guys were always picking on me, but I told no one.

I grabbed my stuff as I came walking down the stairs to join everyone for breakfast.

"Damn, you're slow," Thomas said to me.

"Leave him alone," Jacob ordered.

I grabbed a plate and took a seat in between Jacob and Michael. The twins were a nuisance, but they always had my back at school, as did Jacob and Michael.

I ate silently. The less I talked, the better.

"Rose has this friend she thought it would interest you," Michael mentioned to me as we ate.

I sighed and looked at Michael as they all looked at me.

"Gabriel, meet the girl. You might hit it off," Jacob suggested.

"Why do I need to meet her?" I asked as they all looked at me.

"Why not?" Thomas asked.

"Maybe I don't want to meet her," I told them.

"Meet the girl, you dink," Richard huffed.

"Fine, I will meet Rose's friend," I sighed.

I sat there and ate. Between school and my brothers trying to set me up, life was anything but fun for me.

At school, I got picked on for having an angelic face, and my brothers felt the need to introduce me to girls I had no interest in them.

"Jacob, I better see you and Michael on time today," Dad told my older brothers. Ha! They had Dad for English Lit. "That means no sneaking off and making out with your girlfriends."

Jacob and Michael looked at each other.

After breakfast, Richard, Thomas, and I left for school. I didn't say much on the way there. I usually never did.

When we got there, I walked into school only confronted with loser one, two, and three.

"Oh, look, boys, it's the pansy," loser one said, cracking his knuckles.

"Pansy is a flower which I'm guessing you frequently enjoy," I retorted.

That's all it took. The next thing I knew, I felt a fist slam into my face and the shit getting kicked out of me.

Richard and Thomas found them and beat the hell out of them.

"Get off our brother, you jackass!" Richard said, pulling one guy off of me.

Once they could take care of them, they helped me to the office, and they sent me promptly home. Okay, maybe I can catch a break.

I came into the house and went to my room. It's a good thing; no one was home.

While I was cleaning up, the twins got a hold of Jacob and Michael. After classes, they met up with the twins, who told them what happened. Then they went looking for the loser boys, who they found.

"I hear you like to jump innocent people," Jacob yelled at them as they charged them. The other guys didn't even have time to say anything. Jacob and Michael jumped on them, beating the hell out of the other guys.

When they finished, Jacob grabbed the guy by his shirt. "Touch Gabriel again, and you won't be breathing."

"I would listen to him if I were you because Jacob has Dad's temper," Michael added. With that, my brothers walked away.

We had a rule, we could pounce on each other, but no one else could. It was a given.

All I wanted to do was get through the next two years of high school. Is that too much to ask?

After I healed from the beat down, I received along with mom upset and dad comforting her and boy did he comfort her. My parents are the most unholy parents around here. I went out with Rose's friend.

The date was okay. We talked. The girl tried to hold my hand; I recoiled. She wanted to kiss me, and I leaned away from her. She was older but was a little too fast.

Although she kissed me, the kiss was nothing like I imagine my first kiss; it was weird and awkward. She tried again and, once again, the same thing. I chalked it up to her not being my type.

I came inside only met with looks.

"What?" I looked at all of them.

"How was the date?" Michael asked with curiosity.

"Fine," I answered.

"Do you think you will go out again?" Jacob asked.

"Probably not," I said.

"How come?" Richard asked.

"She's not my type," I shrugged.

"What the hell does that mean?" Thomas asked.

"Thomas language," Mom scolded Thomas.

"She kissed me, and well, it was weird. The whole date Rose's friend seems like she wanted to jump me," I said, confused.

"And that's a bad thing?" Michael asked me.

"That's not me. So, no, I won't be going out again with Rose's friend." I shrugged as I walked away from everyone.

They all looked at each other confused.

"I don't get it. All the girls throw themselves at Gabriel, yet he has no interest in any of them," Richard said to them.

"Maybe he needs to find the one is for him. Give Gabriel time, boys," Dad told them. He looked at mom, "What do you think, Alex?"

She looked at them and smiled. "I think that maybe it's time you leave Gabriel alone. Maybe his interest lies elsewhere." With that, she got up and walked away, leaving them all utterly confused.

Mom was more astute to things than what people realized. That's because she's mom, and she is incredible.

That concludes the Landview storyline, but there is an offshoot book titled Gabriel.

Landview: Seniors✔️(Wattpad version)Where stories live. Discover now