Closing in

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They took Erik and me into a place and put us in different rooms. I was out cold.


The door opened, and I watched as they set someone down. They cut the zip ties and removed the gag before leaving. I crawled over, and my eyes widened in shock, Erik!

I started patting Erik's face. "Erik, wake up."

He started stirring until I slapped him hard, getting him to jolt up.

"What the fuck?" Erik yelled.

"Well, I had to wake you up." I shrugged.

He did a double-take, "Jake?" Erik asked, shocked.

"Hey, long time no sees, buddy, did you have fun sleeping with my wife while they locked me up?" I asked with an annoyed look.

Erik looked at me as I looked at him.

"In our defense, we didn't hook up right away, and oh, one more thing, you were dead!" Erik exclaimed.

"Do I look dead to you?" I gave Erik a look.

"No, you look very much alive except you look like hell. Have you lost weight?" Erik asked me.

I gave him a look.

"We can argue over Alex later. Now we need to get out of here before they kill Alex and us," Erik told me.

"What do you mean, Alex?" I questioned.

"Well, I mean besides snatching me, they snatched Alex," Erik answered.

"Where's Jacob?" I asked.

"Considering they knocked us both out, my guess they got Jacob, too. Now, are we going to bicker like old women or find a way out of here?" Erik asked me with irritation.

"Fine, but the minute we're free, I owe you a punch," I told Erik.

"Fine but one," Erik said as he looked around for a way out.

While Erik and I were trying to find a way out of the room, Frank's men had to explain to Frank why they didn't have Jacob. That didn't go over well with Frank.

"What do you mean, you don't have the boy?" Frank looked at one of his men with venom.

"He got out, boss," a guy said.

"A toddler got out. That makes sense." Frank shrugged as he pulled a gun and shot the guy in the head.

Hearing a gunshot didn't sit well with us. We looked at each other.

Frank turned to the other men. "Grab Jake and beat him. Show no mercy," he barked.

They left and came to the room; I nodded to Erik, who hid as they grabbed me. I fought, but they overpowered me since I was already weak. They dragged me off to another room, following Frank's orders.

They left the door open, causing Erik to escape and go looking for Alex. While I got a beating of a lifetime, Erik searched until he found her. She was still out cold on the floor.

He juggled the handle, "Alex? Wake up!" Erik said.

He let go of the handle and looked around the area. He surveyed the door and kicked it in, proving it's not the same as in the movies.

"Shit! Well, that didn't work out so hot. Plan B, it is." He leaned in and said, "Be right back. Oh, and Jake's alive, but you will not remember this." With that, Erik took off down the hallway, looking for something to open the door.

While I was getting the shit beat out of Erik and me was looking to free Alex, we got a company in the form of Ace and his crew along with Alex's friends.

"Did it occur to anyone that being here is a terrible idea?" Ashley asked them.

Grace snapped her head to her. "Did it occur to you that's our best friends in there? Now shut up!"

"We could have called the police," Ashley suggested.

"And what? Oh, police officer, a psycho has kidnapped our friends, and it involves the mob? Yeah, that would sound great." She rolled her eyes.

"Hide," Ryan ordered them as they saw Ace's men walking towards them as they hid in the bushes.

"Each of you takes an entrance. Find the guy and grab him," Ace ordered the others as they all nodded and walked away.

"Find him? Who's him?" Matt asked as they all shrugged. Once the coast was clear, they walked out of the bushes. They quietly snuck around until someone stepped on a branch, alerting Zack.

As he turned around, Grace motioned them to go the other way, pushing Ryan as she went. He walked back to the spot, saw nothing, shrugged, and walked towards a door.

"Thanks a lot, Ashley, you will get us killed," Grace huffed.

"Well, excuse me, it's dark," Ashley whined.

"That's no excuse," Grace countered.

"Girls, can we go before someone catches us and shoots us? I want to graduate, at least," Matt groaned.

"Oh, sure, think of yourself," Grace snapped.

"Well, I vote for not getting shot," Ryan said, raising his hand.

"Put your hand down, this isn't class," Grace snapped.

"Well, let's go before we do get shot," Matt said as they moved.

While the others were trying to figure out how to get to Erik and Alex, Erik found something to open the door. He opened it and ran into the room. He patted Alex's face. "Alex?" Nothing, she was still out cold. "Sorry, Jake, but I know you will kill me if she dies, and no one is dying tonight."

Erik picked Alex up and placed her over his shoulder as he looked for a way out.

All the while, Frank's men were inflicting torture on me to the point; I blacked out.

Raul alerted Frank they finished with me, and he walked to the room they tied me up. I hung there beaten and bloody, almost unrecognizable. He walked over to me. "You can thank your kid for getting away. Now it's time to part ways," Frank said, holding up a gun, not realizing Ace and his crew made it inside, taking out people along the way.

I opened my eyes slightly as I looked up to see a gun pointed at my head with an evil smirk on his face. After all this time, this was how it would end.

He cocked the gun and was about to pull the trigger when he felt something hard at the back of his head.

"You have something that belongs to me, and I want it back," Ace said.

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