Here comes Michael

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With the summer months here and the heat high, I was nearing the end of my pregnancy. I waddled around, figuring out how to evict Michael since I was past due. Leave it to a Holland boy to take his sweet time.

Jake walked into the room as I paced. "Anything?"

"Nope, your son is stubborn," I sighed.

He rolled his eyes, "How is it; he's my son now?"

"Because he is stubborn," I snapped.

"Well, I heard sex helps," he said. I shot him a look. "Or maybe not."

The doorbell rang, and Jacob ran to the door. He opened it as Erik picked him up, carrying him into the house with Gloria behind him.

"Some parents need to keep a better eye on their kids, little man," Erik smirked as I looked at him, and Jake arched an eyebrow.

"Do you mind? I'm working on evicting a kid," I snapped.

Erik walked over to Jake. "Someone is snippy."

"You don't understand," Jake whispered.

"Maybe if we leave quietly, Alex won't eat us," Erik whispered to Jake.

"Sounds good to me," Jake whispered back.

They started to leave when I snapped, "If you boys even think about leaving, I will cut off your nuts!"

They stopped and covered their manhood.

"Well, I guess everyone is staying," Gloria said innocently.

I wanted this baby out of me. Michael, it's time to make your appearance.

Jake made lunch, but I wasn't hungry, and getting comfortable was rough. My back had been hurting most of the day. I had been in and out of the bathroom all day.

Everyone watched me as I got up and moved around the room. Then I felt a trickle down my leg. I looked down and saw a puddle form.

"Alex?" Jake said. I turned to Jake.

"I think my water broke," I said with a look, causing them to rush around like nuts. I kept my calm because I already went through this with Jacob.

Erik grabbed Jacob while Jake grabbed my stuff, then we went to the hospital. Guess Michael was ready to come.

We arrived at the hospital, and all hell broke loose. To say things got a bit out of hand was an understatement. Poor Jake, I thought he was going to lose his mind.

I grabbed ahold of Jake's shirt and yanked him to me, "Get this baby out of me!" I sounded like the exorcist.

"Well, I would, but considering you have to push, that's your job," Jake countered, causing me to smack him. That was not the answer that I wanted to hear. Yes, pregnancy does crazy things to you, and labor is even worse.

"Woman, you are lucky you're having my lovechild," Jake huffed as he rubbed his head.

"Lovechild? We're married, you dink!" I yelled.

"Pft, whatever," Jake shrugged.

Ugh, my husband is a comedian.

I lay in bed as I felt a contraction happened and grabbed Jake, shaking him.

"Alex!" Jake yelled as his head shook back and forth.

"I got to push!" I screamed, shaking Jake.

"No, you don't! You still have time!" Jake yelled.

I pulled him to me. "Don't tell me what to do!"

Jake's eyes widened. "Well, okay then," Jake mumbled.

I released Jake as I felt the need to push, and he felt the need to argue with me. I couldn't help it. My body wanted to push. What part of pushing doesn't he get?

The nurses laughed at us as they got the doctor. The doctor checked me and said I was almost there. What the hell?

Michael stops acting awkward and comes already. I so wanted to push. Jake so tried to tell me what to do. Nothing was in my favor today.

Finally, the doctor checked me, and it was time. Jake helped as I pushed. Boy, I pushed. This baby was going to be born.

It took about thirty minutes before Michael was out, and we heard his cry. It relieved and exhausted me. It had been a long day.

Once they settled me in a room, I held Michael in my arms. Jake brought in Jacob to see his baby brother. Jacob walked over then leaned over to kiss Michael.

I couldn't help but cry. It was the sweetest thing I ever saw.

"Alex, why are you crying?" Jake asked in a concerned tone.

"Because I'm so happy," I sniffle, wiping my eyes. It was true. To see my boys all together made this even more heartwarming.

Everyone came to see Michael and me. They didn't stay long, and Erik offered to take Jacob until they released me. It may not have worked out with Erik and me, but with Jacob, they had a special bond that I was glad they had. I had a feeling Erik would have a special relationship with my boys.

I laid there as Jake held Michael.

There was nothing better than seeing the father of your children look at them with love and adoration. With Jake, he loved his kids and me.

Two days later, they released me, and Michael and Jake brought us home. Erik brought Jacob back, and we settled in nicely. The only issue is Jake had become familiar with his hand. Sex was off-limits until the doctor cleared me.

He was not happy, but he'll get over it. I mean, he wanted his fun so now he can deal with it.

The next problem we had, Jake and I fought over who was going to hold the baby. I think I was more entitled since I housed the little bean for nine months. In Jake's words, you got Michael for nine months; now, it was my turn.

Between Jacob and Michael, both kept us on our toes. That was okay because I had a feeling we were far from finish having kids. If Jake had his way, we would have a lot more kids. Note to self; I need a vacation.

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