Getting There First

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Jeff's POV

I packed a bag with food and water, just enough to get me there alive and threw it out my window into a bush, i then went downstairs trying to act as normal as possible, well as normal as a mentally insane killer would act, i went to the door and luckily got out without anyone asking me anything, i got my bag and started walking towards the woods hoping no one saw me through a window or somewhere else, he really needed to get to (y/n)s mom before anyone else did.

Meanwhile with you

"how exactly am i gonna find it if i dont even know what it is?!, how can Zalgo send us to find something if we dont even know what we're supposed to find?" one demon asked

"I've been walking for hours!" another demon said to you

"we, we've been walking for hours, now stop complaining and shut up, Zalgo said we would know what it is when we find it" you said to them

"but what is it?!?" a third demon said

At this point you were pissed, you woke up at 2 am, you got send to find something and you didn't even know what it was, you got stuck with seven useless and lazy demons to help you search even though you told Zalgo you could do it alone, and then they keep on complaining and irritating you, you snapping your fingers and the last one that was complaining disintegrated and the dust blew into the direction of the wind

"now the next oneto complain wont die that easily, I'll torture you untill your body gives in, so who else would like to say something?" you said but it almost sounded as if you were yelling so they stayed quiet, not making a sound.

"good" you said an continued walking, with them following after you like lost ducklings too afraid to even breathe

You kept on walking in silence untill you saw something or someone walking in the same direction, he or she was wearing a white yet bloody hoody with the hood up and black jeans, one of the demons tripped over a rock sending him and another to the ground with a loud thud causing the stranger to turn around, you couldn't see his or her face because of it being dark in the forrest but by the look of its body features, it looked like a he.

"he could be a good addition to Zalgo's army, and if not, maybe a good snack for me" you said, but he heard you

He took out a knife and stood in a fighting stance

So you turned into your death form and saw him drop the knife, he then saw your eyes glow a dark red and ran as if his life depended on it, which it did right now, you weren't in the mood to go after him so you just kept on walking to your destination

With Jeff

"he-he really did betray us, h-he l-left us, he, no, NO! Dont think like that, he has a reason to do everything! Im gonna find him and im gonna save (y/n)!"

 Jeff The killer x Male! Death! readerWhere stories live. Discover now