He's Dead

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Your POV

He shot him.. I was too slow to get to him in time. He was dead

Now i was pissed, he murdered my mom, tried to kill me and now he shot the only person i could ever love.

I stood up and looked at him, i then looked down and closed my eyes

I grew a pair of pitch black wings, eight tendrils formed around them, my hair turned black, my clothes blood red, i grew two horns, my teeth were now sharper than any blade, i looked up towards Zalgo and opend my eyes they were entirely black with blood dripping out as if i was crying.

Y/n: *demonic voice* yOuR gOnNa PaY fOr ThAt!

I let out an earpiercing screech and attacked him, i was now faster than lightning and stronger than anything.

He wasnt able to dodge anything, the fight was over faster than it started and zalgo was on the ground.

You took the gun and put it to his head

Zalgo: you know you cant do it

Y/n: I've killed millions before

Zalgo: no, you've taken souls, you had no choice, its your job, you cant kill at your own will!

Y/n: your right, i cant, you moved the gun to his stomach and shot him, you the opend a portal to the dimension you created and threw him in with a tendril, now he can rip himself apart to get the bullet out before the poison can get to his heart.

You closed the portal and remembered Jeff, you ran towards him and opend eight diffrent portals to different places and used your tendrils to grab a person out of each one, these people were supposed to die in those days you were locked up in your room.

You then closed the portals, let go of the humans and pierced your tendrils into their hearts, you took the life and energy they had along with their sould and transfered it all with half of yours to Jeff's Body, you turned back into your human form and passed out next to Jeff, the dome disappeared and everyone came to get you guys inside

Words: 366

 Jeff The killer x Male! Death! readerWhere stories live. Discover now