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No ones POV

You were walking through the woods trying to clear your mind from the uneasy feeling you've been having for the last few weeks until you saw the rake running past you

"no, nono, nonono, nononono your supposed to be in the other dimension with Zalgo and those other creatures!"

"shit, shit, shit, shit! If you're out then h-"

You couldn't even finish your sentence when something hit your head and hard at that too, the last thing you remember seeing was a glowing red flickering light then everything went black
You woke up in a dark room on a bed, you sat up. You looked around trying to see if you could see anything but it was no use it was pitch black

You heard footsteps coming towards the room you were in and a light went on you took a few minutes to get used to the light then looked up to see a man, a demon man to be exact.

For some weird reason you weren't afraid of this creature

He finally spoke

"(y/n),you're finally awake"

"Who?" You asked the man

"Oh my, they hit you quite hard dear child,let me explain"

"you are a death himself, and you, my demons and i were in a fight with the creepypastas, they are our enemy, they tried to kill you so they could take your power, but i retreated and brought you back home after they threw you into a tree to try killing you, we must fight them and get our revenge, but first you must rest child"

"Ok so rest then revenge?"

"yes child"

 Jeff The killer x Male! Death! readerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz