Chapter 28

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Rey's POV

We move together in harmony as we make our way through the main area of the ship, causing as much damage as we can without crippling anything that would hinder our escape. Flashes of red and blue surround us as our sabers swing violently around us and destroy whatever they touch. We both make the same move at the same time as we turn to face each other and our sabers clash together just like they did back on Starkiller Base. This time everything is different though. This time we don't fear each other, we don't fear the feeling inside that draws us to the other, we don't fear how close we are and for the briefest moment we don't fear what the future holds as we know one way or another we will make it back to each other.

I turn off my saber first and clip it back onto my belt as I look around at the damage we have caused. I hear Kylo behind me turning off his weapon too as he steps closer so he is standing next to me. Kylo sighs loudly as he looks over the destruction and says, "I liked this ship".

"Yeah I did too," I answer as I take his hand in mine. "Do you think this is good enough to fool them?"

"Let's hope so" he replies as he squeezes my hand. "I'll add some finishing touches just to be sure while you get started on reprogramming the ship. That has to be all you I'm afraid as they will check the log to find out how it was accessed," he tells me with a small shake of his head.

"It's fine. I can do it," I smile at him as I let go of his hand and make my way to the cockpit. As I walk down the corridor I hear Kylo ignite his lightsaber once again.

I lie on the floor next to the pilots seat and remove a few panels underneath the main controls. The inside is a jumble of different coloured wires running every which way. I don't know how I can understand what their function is; it's something that I've always been able to do. Even as a child when I scavenged on Jakku I was always able to easily read the inner workings of whatever ship or machine I was taking apart. It wasn't till I was older that I realised that not everyone could do this. I thought it was a trait passed onto me from my parents but now I think it was The Force that was there from the beginning. A small gift that allowed me to survive and keep me alive so I could get to this point were The Force truly awakened inside me. It brought me here to Kylo Ren so I could be the one to finally see the man under the mask.

I finish reconnecting a few wires then stand and turn to the wall at the back of the cockpit and remove some more panels. As I get to work I can feel that Kylo is watching me. I can feel his eyes intent on me, taking in every inch of me, engrossed in how quickly I am able to undo all the work that went into 'securing' his ship. With my hands still inside the panel searching for the circuit I need I slowly turn my head and we lock eyes. A small smile appears on his lips and my pulse quickens and in that instant I know. I know for sure that this is the reason for everything that has ever happened to me. I am here right now in this exact moment, this exact situation, doing what needs to be done to help Kylo Ren be the one to save Ben Solo.

Kylo Ren's POV

Watching Rey at work reprogramming the ship is mesmerising. It's no wonder my father liked her and offered her a job. The speed and accuracy at which she works would have been a god send on that piece of junk ship of his as there was always something broken or ready to blow up. I lean against the wall hypnotised by her when she slowly turns towards me and I can't help the small smile that appears on my face.

"All done" Rey says as she removes her hands from inside the panel and wipes off the grease on the material covering her thighs.

"That didn't take long" I reply.

Rey looks up at me with a smug grin on her face. "Maybe your First Order technology isn't as good as you thought?"

"Or you're just too good?" I answer as Rey blushes and shrugs her shoulders. "Either way it's lucky for us" I smile.

"So where is this escape pod of yours?" Rey asks as she glances around trying to locate where it might be.

"Not found it yet?" I tease. "Maybe you're not that good after all".

Rey takes a swipe at me hitting me lightly on the shoulder as if she is offended.

"Follow me," I say as I turn around and go back into the corridor between the cockpit and the common area. I stop about half way and turn to face Rey.

"Here?" Rey asks visibly confused.

"Yeah, right here" I answer.

Rey looks around searching and kneels down on the floor looking for any sign of a handle, hidden compartment or button to press but finds nothing.

"Ok, maybe the First Order technology isn't as bad as I thought" she says and I smirk. "So you got me. Where is it?"

I reach my hand out to the floor below me. Using The Force I lift up a small panel that now hangs in the air allowing us both to see into the space below us. I carefully place the panel down and turn to Rey. She looks at me then back to the space below us. "Well that's sneaky," she says and I can't help but laugh.

"I would say more cautious than sneaky" I reply. "The escape pod was designed for only me so I can't just have anyone gaining access to it. It seemed sensible to only be able to open it by using The Force".

Rey slowly climbs down into the escape pod and lies down to see the control panel better. I kneel down next to the opening and point to the left side of the pod. "The tracker is just underneath that panel. It will send an alert if it is removed so it has to stay attached. You should be able to disarm it quickly though then input your co-ordinates and you're good to go," I say.

Rey climbs back up and we both stand up and face each other. We stand there in silence staring into the others eyes, our hearts beating as one, our breathing synced together, lost in the moment and lost in The Force. I reach over and lightly touch Rey's face, my fingers trailing slowly across her cheek as I whisper, "It's time".

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