Chapter 4

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Rey's POV

It's a long walk back to his ship. We have been making our way through the forest for what seems like days but in reality probably no more than an hour has passed. Luckily the moonlight is still shining down so I can at least see where I am walking and I am able to avoid the roots that are sticking out of the ground just waiting for me to trip over them. I don't think I have ever been this drained before and it is taking everything I have to keep on moving.

Kylo is not too far ahead. He keeps turning round every few minutes to check on me. Whether it's to make sure I'm still here or out of frustration that I'm going too slow I'm not sure. It is most likely the latter. I'm just glad that he isn't trying to make small talk, as I know I don't have the energy for that.

"Not much further" he says as he turns around to wait for me.

"Great" I reply standing up straighter and doing my best to pretend like I'm not about to drop down from exhaustion. But I can tell from the look on his face that he knows it's all an act.

Kylo Ren's POV

I know that Rey is pretending that she is fine. I would offer to help her but she would just refuse. She doesn't want to show me any weaknesses and I understand. I would only exploit them and she knows that.

I arrive at the edge of the tree line and I wait for Rey to catch up to me and we now walk side by side.

"My ship is just across the stream," I point to the flowing water just ahead of us. She just nods and keeps on walking.

We get to the stream and the only way to cross it is to wade through the water. Thankfully it is flowing calmly and not too deep.

I step in first and the cold shoots through me. It is freezing! I turn around and offer Rey my hand but she ignores it and steps into the water next to me. She tries not to react to the cold and keeps on moving. I allow myself a small smile at her determination to prove to me that nothing can faze her. I have to admire her for that.

Rey's POV

I was not prepared for how cold the water would be. I've never before felt anything that cold. I try not to show any reaction and I just keep on making my way across the water. It's not too far to go so the quicker I get there the better. Just a few more steps left and then I'm back on dry land.

Everything that happened next went by in a blur. I took another step but my foot landed on a loose rock under the water that caused me to fall. I was just about to hit the water when suddenly I was frozen in place. I started to move upwards and then I was completely out of the stream suspended in the air and gliding towards the riverbank. I gently landed at the edge of the water and I turn around to see Kylo standing there in the middle of the stream, his right arm aimed towards me with a look of concentration on his face.

He had used The Force to break my fall.

Kylo Ren's POV

Thankfully I have quick reflexes and I was able to catch Rey before she fell face first into the freezing water. I use The Force to lift her up and take her the rest of the way across the stream placing her gently down on the grass. The last thing I need right now is for her to get sick so I had to stop her from falling.

I carefully make my way through the water and I can feel her eyes on me the whole time. I reach the riverbank but I avoid looking at her and I walk straight past her and head towards the ship.

Rey catches up and keeps pace next to me. I can tell she wants to say something but she doesn't know how too. She opens her mouth to speak then closes it again. After a few times of this I stop and turn to face her.

"What?" I finally shout out of frustration.

She looks at me and as soon as we make eye contact she quickly diverts her gaze and starts fidgeting with her arm wraps. "Errrmmm...... Thank you" she says quietly and then looks back up into my eyes.

This time it is me who breaks eye contact. "You're welcome" I manage to say as I turn away from her and start walking towards the ship.

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