Chapter 5

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Rey's POV

The ship is more or less what I expected. Everything is black. Kylo told me to make myself at home. Unlikely but I took the opportunity to have a look around.

There is a small common area in the middle of the ship with a long sofa and a table. Just off of that is a kitchen with a built in seating area. To the left of the kitchen is a corridor that leads to the cockpit and main control room and to the right there are two more doors. The first door I open leads into the bathroom/shower room. The second door leads into the bedroom. It is all very clean, shiny and well...... black.

Kylo is in the kitchen that seems to be well stocked. "I'll make us something to eat," he says. "You can wash up first. Use whatever you need and I'll get some clean clothes ready for you. There is a connecting door between the bathroom and bedroom so I'll leave the clothes on the bed".

I nod and walk towards the bathroom door. A hot shower, clean clothes and food right about now sounded amazing so I was not going to argue with that.

Kylo Ren's POV

I can hear the water running in the shower as I go into the bedroom to get some clean clothes for Rey to wear. I hope she likes black I chuckle to myself. Nothing is going to fit her properly as she is shorter than me but it's better than what she has just now.

I leave the clothes on the bed for her and make my way back to the kitchen to check on the food. I'm not the best cook in the galaxy but any hot food right now would be welcome I'm sure.

I hear the water from the shower turn off and the connecting door open then close again. As I start to plate up the food I hear a sound that I don't hear very often. Laughter. I take it she doesn't like black after all.

Rey's POV

It is one of those moments when you don't know whether to laugh or cry. After I look in the full-length mirror I decide on laughter.

As I leave the bedroom I can see that Kylo is already sitting in the booth in the kitchen with two bowls of food on the table and two mugs with steam rising from them. As I walk over he watches me from the corner of his eye trying his best not to laugh.

"It's fine. Laugh away" I mumble as I take a seat opposite him.

"You look good in black" he says biting his lip.

"The colour is not the issue. Look at this" I throw my arms up.

This time he does laugh, as the sleeves of the shirt are so long that they are dangling in the air. I keep rolling them up till they get to my wrists but they just keep falling back down.

"It's just for a while until your own clothes are washed and mended" he smiles "I'm sure you will manage".

I roll my eyes in reply and start to tuck into the food in front of me. I have no idea what it is. All I know is that it is hot and tastes good and right now that is good enough for me.

Kylo Ren's POV

We finish our food and the hot tea in silence. I don't think either of us knows what to say to each other now. The fact that we were just talking and laughing together like we aren't in the situation we are in is strange and we both know it.

I mean, technically she is my prisoner. My enemy. If she could leave right now she wouldn't hesitate. I need to remember that.

The silence has now turned awkward. Time to call it a night I think.

As I gather the plates and take them to be cleaned I say, " I'll sleep on the sofa. You take the bed".

She starts to refuse but I cut her off "I insist".

"Thank you" she replies. I still have my back to her but I hear her stand and make her way across the room.

"Rey" I call. I hear her stop and I turn around to face her. "This ship is programmed to respond only to me. Any ideas you have of escaping you can just forget".

She nods her head in reply and I turn away.

"Kylo" she calls to me. I turn back to face her and I can see so much sadness in her eyes "And we need to talk about what happened on Starkiller Base. Any ideas you have of escaping that conversation you can just forget". With that said she turns around, goes into the bedroom and closes the door.

I'm glad she walked away and didn't wait for me to answer. I wouldn't want her to see the tears forming in my eyes.

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