Chapter 9

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Rey's POV

The suns have risen and our mugs of tea are cold and empty. I don't know exactly how long we have been sitting here but not a word or sound has passed between us. It wasn't awkward or strange though but weirdly comforting. Silence has never bothered me before as I'm use to being alone but I've never been alone with someone else. This is new for me.

I lean over and take the mug from him and speak the first words in hours. "Let's go. We have things to do".

He finally moves after being still all this time and looks at me. "Things to do?"

"Yeah" I reply as I stand up, "it's training day".

I start walking back to the ship. I'm nearly there when I hear Kylo stand up and start making his way back too.

Kylo Ren's POV

I decide to start the training with combat techniques. I know she can hold her own in a fight but it's always helpful to have a few tricks up your sleeve.

We make our way back to the clearing next to the stream where we will have plenty of space. Rey unclips her lightsaber from her belt and is just about to ignite it when I say "No no no no no no, no sabers".

She looks at me confused "What? Why?"

"Because" I say pointing to the scar running down my face "we are only training here and as much as I've gotten use to this I would rather not have a matching one thank you very much".

Rey clips her weapon back onto her belt. "Yeah about that. I feel like maybe I should apologise even though it felt like the only thing to do at the time".

"Forget it. It's done," I say shaking my head. "But lets use something else for now. Save either one of us from having to say sorry later". I head for the tree line to find us some sticks we can use instead.

Rey's POV

Kylo returns with two large tree branches. "These should do. They seem strong enough".

He hands one of them to me and I instantly feel like I'm holding my staff again. It's not as long but the weight feels roughly the same. I swing the branch a few times to get use to it in my hands when I see Kylo running towards me, branch in the air, ready to strike.

I quickly throw my arms up and block the hit just inches away from my head. He stops and stands up straight "not bad, good reflexes".

"Jeezo, a bit of warning we had started would have been nice," I say as I lower my arms that are trembling from the impact.

"Yeah cause that's what attackers do...... tell you they are on their way so you have time to prepare". He walks away rolling his eyes.

This time I run at time but he easily dodges me and I stumble to the ground. "And that was predictable" he chuckles as I get back to my feet.

"To win you need to do what your opponent would least suspect. Or do what they would never even think of doing. Let's go again". He gets ready to advance but this time I'm waiting for him.

Kylo Ren's POV

The first training session went well all things considered. Rey is a quick learner I'll give her that. She managed to get a couple of strikes in and I can feel the bruising starting already. Her instincts are amazing to be honest. If that is what she can do just now then once I teach her how to fight and access thoughts at the same time she will be unstoppable. Just the way Supreme Leader Snoke wants her to be. But it will all be for nothing is she doesn't join us. And there really isn't going to be any other option given to her. Join or die.

I look over to Rey who is sitting on the sofa, feet on the table, hands behind her head and yawning away. She can feel my eyes on her and she looks at me and smiles.

I quickly turn away embarrassed that I've been caught staring. Damn! I just now being to realise that if she doesn't join us then I'm in serious trouble.

Rey's POV

Training today was pretty good actually. I managed to get a few sneaky hits in which Kylo wasn't expecting. I am totally knackered though and I'll be covered in bruises tomorrow but no difference there. I could go to sleep right here on the sofa as I can't stop yawning but instead I make my way to the shower room to get myself freshened up while Kylo makes us some food.

It's been a long day for us both especially after the events of last night. I can only hope that tonight has a different outcome cause if training today was anything to go by then we are going to need all the strength we can muster.

I wash my hair taking the time to enjoy the hot water easing my aching muscles and I think about the drills we ran today. I have to admit he is a pretty good teacher. It's a shame I'll probably have to use everything he teaches me against him. I don't know yet what their plan is for me but I do know that after we are done here I will not be joining him or the First Order. That will never happen. Whatever the other option is I'll take it.

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