Feigning Innocence

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Does it matter? What people say to you, I mean. Are you being judged by their first impression? YES? Then let it out. Make them understand. Make them understand that not all the time first impressions are true, that physicality of one person really matter. Make them!
This poem is dedicated to those hypocrite and judgemental beings. You don't totally know the person. Refrain from judging—too much! It isn't bad to be just what and who you are.


Along life road,
Others see me as a person easy to read,
easy to understand and easy to judge.

Along life road,
People have judge me as a snob,
ignoring others, fishing for popularity.

Along life road,
I struggle to mingle with people,
understand their acts and be patient to them.

I remember the time were—
people pass by, friends disappeared,
as I am left alone indulge on my own world.

I remember the time were—
Others see me boring, not fun to be with
as I laugh hard on their crazy antics.

Is it bad to be just what you are?
Of what you are and;
of what you want to do,
Not minding people's reaction?

Is it bad to just read?
To enjoy yourself on books and stories?
Not because you don't want to talk to them,
but because you are just not in the mood?

People easily judge what you do,
what you say, and—
what your hobbies are.

People judge you by your physicality
because through that they can—
convey of who and what you are trying to be.

It hurts, deeply and it is a searing pain.
People's word cut through me,
Push me hard and ignore me laying on the ground.

At times my mind is shouting,
Voice begging to be heard,
Unnecessary thoughts filled my mind,
as people don't change their nature.

Murderous thoughts, hurtful words!
I wish I could said that to them but—
I don't have the heart to do so!

At the end,
People's judgement doesn't matter.
Be who you are, stand up and be proud.

You are you!
No one, as in NO ONE,
Could ever changed that.

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