If It Is Not Too Late( An essay)

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    I am not the kind of person who directly shows affection to others. That attitude remains until now but sometimes lack of affection is not good. You will only realize its importance when it is already too late to work on it.
    When my mother's mother is already bedridden for her health complications, I always wanted to took care of her. I always wanted to go with my mother when she would be sleeping on grandma's house to watch over her. I always wanted to attend to her needs. But that all remain as words, always wanting but I never make an effort to do so. Even saying of love, I did not do it because I'm too shy and I don't show affection face to face. Then one afternoon a sad news is delivered to us—grandma passed away. She's already in God's mercy. Tears like waterfalls stream down my cheeks the moment I heard the news.
    The saying "Do it and say it before it is too late", I experience it. Why does it had to end that way? Why does grandma had to passed away for me to see what was laid upon? It is already too late. At the end I am left hanging with "what ifs" in mind. Always remember that we should show our love, our affection to our love ones because we still have time not until we realize that it it too late to do so. Still, regret is harvested and felt in the end.

Inked PaperOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora