A Poem for my Mother

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She was like a breeze of happiness
always gay
full of hope

She was like a dancing dandelion,
yellow and shiny
swaying with the wind

She was like an empty cup,
waiting to be fulled,
wanting to overflow

She is my inspiration,
my never ending confidante,
a medicine in my life
my ever loving mom.

Her face,
is a picture of unparalled beauty
always mesmerized me

Her eyes
a deep hollows, vast as an ocean,
hypnotizing me

She inspired me to live my life
Taught me to think about what life brings
Let me realize what have to be done
And show me what lies ahead

She carried me in her arms when I was little
She showered me with love
She kissed my cherub cheeks,
and play with my frail hands.

She guide me as I grow up
She walk by me every step of the way
She taught me how to read and right
She taught me how to pray

Even when puberty hit me,
she is always there for me
She comfort me with her words
She lies by my side when I'm sick
She will sing me a song that will lulled me to sleep

My mom is my inspiration
A water filling my cup
a honey on my bread
a tattoo on my life.

She will never be forgotten
She will stay here in my heart
She will never leave my memory
For she will be there 'til I last.

I love my Mom for everything
for exposing me to the world she is in.
She will always be my inspiration,
a glowing light on my rocky journey
A sheperd as I go astray.

Thank you for being there.

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