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She's inlove with him
But he loves another else
Now, she's heartbroken.

Mid-autumn summer
Carabao under the tree
the leaves are falling.

"I love you", said Ched
Cher blushed and she look away
Laughing, Ched add—"Joke!".

Indoor and outdoor,
there's many game to be played,
ev'ryone enjoyed.

Loving family,
Children and parents fondness
Bond strengthening.

Broken and shattered
Unrequited affection
Always deemed friendzone!

High and Almighty,
Giver of grace and mercy
Our loving Father.

Already famished,
Bountiful supply of foods
Eat and eat then, Burp!

Great innovation
Kring! Kring! Telephone's ringing
Voice heard—loud and clear.

Deafeaning silence
Then, a sudden shrilling scream
Bang! Silence again.

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