The Girl Inside the Painting

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Down the corridor, I passed through her
I continued walking then suddenly look back.
Stepping backward, I face her portrait.
Beautiful —indeed!

Pointed nose.
High brows that accentuates her eyes.
Bright blue eyes that seems to shine in the dim light.
Cheeks decorated with a light color of pink
Her lips... Pouty and red.
And her hair—brunette.
Yes, she's a beautiful brunette.

Starstruck by her picture
Ignoring people passing by
Wonderful Masterpiece.
I got mesmerized.

Someone tap my shoulder
I look back
"Why are you looking at that piece?"
"You're fascinated with abstract?"
What is he saying? Repeating the mantra on my head.
Ignoring him I again face the painting.

Shock face.
Wide eye.
Mouth forming an O shape.
I could not believe my eyes···
There's no beatiful brunette with her striking blue eyes.
It's an abstract!
Abstract of whatever, painted by Picasso hundred years ago.

Somewhere deep in my mind—
Do I have gone mad? A hallucination?
That girl...inside the painting is not true!

Ting! Ting!
An abrupt sound.
A ticking of the clock.
Looking at it,
supposedly it's 12:00 but
It's 12:01!

Later that day I have realized.
Passed through native tounge
That every twelve o'clock,
someone who passes by the abstract painting
would see another figure.
A girl.
A girl inside the painting.

—dzeyyzii | 2018

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