Chapter 11 - Pete's Frog

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Wades P.O.V

I was at Peters because ever since I had met him I couldn't get him off my mind. He was toxic, invading all my thoughts and actions revolved around him.

He made me feel bad for unaliveing, but it was my only source of income. I couldn't work in a normal place. I would scare everyone away, and despite that, no one would hire me. So I thought I quite perfectly matched my job description.

I broke the hug with Peter, resting my forehead against his. God he was so damn perfect. The way his soft brown hair glistened under the light, how perfect his skin was under my disgusting scars, how when his pink lips pursed he looked like he was.. he was..

"Petey.. Where is it? Where is the frog?" His brows furrowed as I tried prying his mouth open with my hands.

"The what?.." Peter messily mumbled trying as he tried to avoid biting my fingers.

"The frog, Pete. You look like you have a frog hiding out inside your mouth" I jokingly reply. Honestly I'm surprised he hasn't bitten me yet, I literally have my fingers inside his mouth.

"Get them out! Who knows where they have been!" Peter screeched as he batted my hands away from his face with a playful expression of disgust I haven't seen before.

"Peter, are you decent?" May's footsteps started coming up the hall. In an explosion of panic Peter tried shoving me towards the closet as he ripped off his suit, which left me standing there with my mouth hanging open.

"Nope! I'm still getting changed.. Hold up" Peter glared swung open the closet door to grab clothes with one hand, using the other to push me all the way inside, closing the door firmly behind him. "Okay, decent."

I could see Peter's Aunt May walk in with a couple dinner plates and sit at the end of his bed through the crack in the door. May and Peter had been talking for a while about school, health, friends and being Spiderman.

It sounded like May wanted to catch up with Peter, like she missed him, which made me wonder how often they actually talk about whats going on in Peters life.

Though I was glad they were talking, my legs were beginning to fall asleep and crouching here in the dark crowded closet was beginning to become extremely painful. All the quietness and stillness had drawn my attention back to the constant painful burning deep-set my skin from the torture all those years before.

Tears unwilling started to prick against my  eyes as I tried not to move or speak, I wanted to talk, constantly to distract myself from the burning sensation. I wanted to violently shake my legs to wake them up, and then run around in circles, manically laughing at the pins and needles sensation, to get the blood flowing again. But despite my pain I stayed perfectly still, Peter owed me for this.

It felt like months before Peter guided May and the dishes out the door, quietly locking it behind her. He rushed over to the closest to let me out but I already had flung open the door and started pacing around the room to bring the blood back to my legs.

"Jesus Baby Boy! You may as well keep me in a cage!" I pet his cheek and flop backwards onto the bed pulling him with me, his eyes are wide in shock as we 'flop'.

"You look like a deer caught in headlights" I kiss his nose, feeling it scrunch under my rough lips. He looks at me, a huge frown is plastered across his face. "It's kinda kinky I mean I would totally fu-"

"You really don't have a filter between your brain and your dick, do you?" He had put his hand over my mouth to stop me from completing my sentence, I stuck my tongue in between his fingers and wiggled it around at him, soaking his fingers in my saliva in the process.

Peter let out an audible sound of disgust, whipped his hand from my mouth and wiped it dry across my chest. Before I could start complaining he pressed his lips against my pout. Hungrily I accepted his kiss and started wiggling around excitedly like a maniac underneath him. Bad move.

The movement I had created caused friction which sent throbbing waves down to my penis. Peter had also been affected by my wriggling, his checks had deepened many shades redder, most likely from embarrassment, and I could feel his growing erection against my waist.

I looked up at him in surprise as he broke the kiss. Peter kissed me.. First.

Peters warmth had turned into a raging flame as he sat across my waist, the perfect kind of flame. I wrapped my arms around his slender waist and rolled him off me onto his bed, he let out a quiet whimper as our lips separate. I rip his top over his head and drag my mouth from his pink lips to his neck leaving small red marks in my tracks.

Peter squirmed under my weight as I sucked and nibbled on his tender skin. My hands lightly run down his body, goosebumps forming under my touch, my fingertips exploring every shape and curve of his perfect figure. I tease my way at his pant's wait line and I'm rewarded as an involuntary moan escapes Peters mouth.

Peters pants came off easily revealing a sight I will forever cherish. Peters black boxer briefs have created a tent over his erection. He was perfectly fuckable, innocently lying there under me, blush more than evident as it spread from his ears to his nose. I hover my hand over his dick and glance at him, waiting for approval.

With a small nod of his head I gently life him from his bed, taking his boxers to his knees. I suck against his collarbone as I curl my fingers around his shaft and began moving my hand expertly up and down his length.

Almost immediately at the feeling of my touch Peters mouth dropped and his head swung back. It was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid my eyes on.

I slowly sped up my strokes and gently rubbed and played with his balls, Peters moans matching the movement of my hand until his back rose into a beautiful arch and trembled as he let out a muffled orgasm, as I held my hand to his mouth reminding him to keep quiet. He let out a string of warm semen as he orgasmed, sending me into bliss.


Okay... ahhhhh!!!!!!!!! So...... How was that?

This chapter contained smut!

I haven't written smut before.. though I have read it, today I learnt it was like 50000x times harder to write. I don't know like what's acceptable to write and what's just fucking ridiculous or not so this is new and I actually have a lot of anxiety posting this because I hope it's somewhat good content (Here i go on my usual rant here) but it's different cause I want these scenes to be really good and ahhh idk.

*Is a extremely freaked out, nervous and mildly embarrassed*

Ok. So obviously I'm new at writing this kinda stuff. So I need as much help as I can to improve at this kind of writing..

So I would highly appreciate hearing your opinion on if the fanfic should contain this content or how I could improve if you want content like this to stay, because I'm open to all and any suggestions especially for this because I'm like, kinda freaking out.

Author..... out?

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