Chapter 3: Ah fuck

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((Warnings: Cursing))

I stared at the hand and groaned "Fucking hell" Daryl paced and then out of nowhere aimed his crossbow at T-Dog and Rick aimed his gun at Daryl "I won't hesitate, I don't care if every walker in the city hears it" Rick expressed, Daryl kept his crossbow up for another second, then he put it down. Rick did the same, I sighed and walked down from where Glenn and I were standing. When Daryl asked T-Dog "You got a do-rag or something?" T-Dog handed him a blue hankerchief, and Daryl walked over and picked up the hand "Oh god" I muttered, "I guess the saw blade was to dull for the handcuff, ain't that a bitch" He wrapped it up then put it in Glenn's backpack "Ah fuck" I grumbled and ran to the edge of te building, I didn't throw up but i didn't want to look over there again "He must have used a tourniquet, maybe his belt. Be much more blood if he didn't" Daryl walked off to the other door. Glenn patted my back, meaning we were leaving. "Just a sec" Glenn nodded and walked off with the rest. I rubbed my face and took in a deep breath. "It's gonna be a long day" I uttered then walked off to catch up with the rest. "Merle! You in here?" Daryl yelled down the shaft as we walked down.

*Dylan's P.O.V* 

"Damn it, I shouldn't have said that" I told Dale running a hand through my hair "You were upset and probably just came out" He said trying to help. "Still doesn't make it right. She had no other choice" I muttered placing my elbows on my knees, Dale sighed, it had been at least a few minutes until Dale got up. "What's wrong?" I asked Dale pointed to Jim "Something's wong, he's going to keel over soon if he doesn't have something to drink soon" I nodded "Be careful" Dale gave a thumbs up and did his thing. "Fuck...I hope they get back soon"

*Jack's P.O.V*

Walking through the doors with my pistol out and searching for any walkers, "Had enough in him to take out these two sumbitches, one handed"  I wasn't surprised Merle was a tough asshole "Toughest asshole I ever met, my brother." He pulled back his crossbow string and continued "Feed him a hammer he'd crap out nails" Rick interjected "Any man can pass out from bloodloss no matter how tough he is" I shrugged "Merle Dixon was...Different I'll say that" "You know him before all this?" T-Dog asked "More or less, I put him in handcuffs more times than I could count" I answered shrugging

*Dylan's P.O.V*

Still sitting on top of the RV I watched as Amy and Andrea walked back with a lot of fish. I smiled " You two girls sure know you stuff" I called out Amy smiled at me and my face went red. "Not now Dylan..." I thought climbing  off the RV. Morles chuckled "Oh, baby would you look at that? Hey, check it out" He laughed and walked up to the two, Andrea handed him the fish "Ladies...Because of you my children will eat tonight, Thank you" Andrea smiled "Thank Dale it's his canoe and gear" Carl looked absolutly baffled by the fish making me chuckled "Mom look. Look at all the fish!" "Thank you" She said chuckling and moving away as the fish got to close to her face. "Woah" Carl muttered and poked one of them "Yeah woah, where did you two learn to do that?" Lori asked "Our dad" Amy answered taking a drink of her bottle "Can you teach me to do that?" Carl asked "Sure! I'll teach you all about nail knots and stuff" Amy said chuckling lightly "If that's okay" She looked at Lori "You won't catch me arguing" "Hey Dale, when was the last time you oiled those line reels? They are a disgrace" Andrea asked as Dale walked up the path "I uh- I don't wanna alarm anyone but we may have a bit of a problem" He announced turning around and pointing to Jim who was still digging

*Jack's  P.O.V* ((Sorry for the P.O.V changes but this is how the episode was played out...)

"Merle!" Daryl called out "We're not alone here. Remember?" "Screw that. Hecould be bleeding out. You said so yourself" We rounded the corner and there was a burner. I put my gun down and sighed "Well he ain't bleeding out that's for sure." I voiced walking over and turning the burner off, "What's that burned stuff?" Glenn asked "Skin, he cauterized the stump". Rick put  the...Thing down "Told you he was tough. Nobody could kill Merle but Merle" "Don't take that on faith. He's lost a lot of blood" "Yeah? Didn't stop him from busting out of this death trap" Daryl said walking over to a broken window "Son of a bitch" I chuckled and leaned against a wall "He left the building? Why the hell would he do that?" Glenn asked as they looked out the window "Why wouldn't he? He's out there alone  as far as he knows, doing what he's got to do. Surviving" Daryl answered walking away "You call that surviving? Maybe wandering in the streets maybe passing out? What are his odds out there?" T-Dog inquired shocked "No worse that being hand cuffed and being left to rot by you sorry pricks" Daryl stated and stood in front of Rick "You couldn't kill him. Ain't so worried about some dumb dead bastard" "What about a thousand dumb dead bastards? Different story?" Rick questioned "Why don't you take a tally? Do what you want I'm gonna go get him" Daryl replied and took a step forward when Rick put a hand on his chest and shoved him backwards "Daryl wait" "Get your hands off me, you can't stop me" "I don't blame you. He's family, I get that. I went through hell to find mine. I know exactly how you feel" I sighed and shifted my weight from one foot to another "Dayrl, we'll find him. But we need to come up with a plan first before we just run out into the street, cause he's not gonna get far with that injury" I commented, Rick nodded "She's right. We can check a few blocks a head but only if we keep a level head" There was a moment of silence, then Daryl answered "I can do that" Rick looked towards us "Only if we get those guns first. I'm not strolling the streets of Atlanta with just my good intentions. Okay?" T-Dog wasn't wrong 

*Dylan's P.O.V* ((I'm not even half way through this episode so I'ma make this a summary of what happened)

Great I knew we were in trouble when Jim didn't listen to Shane to give him the shovel. Now he's under a tree tied up. Jim mentioned the beating of Ed that happened the other day saying how it wasn't our marriage and we shouldn't butt in. Shane asked for the shovel and for Jim to take a break but Jim swung the shovel at him. Shane tackled him and Jim rambled about his family that was torn up by walkers. Fuck, poor Jim. Everything is just going to shambles, I hope Jack and the others get back before this gets bad.

*Jack's P.O.V*

"You'rr not doing this alone" "Even I think it's a bad Idea and I don't like you much" "Glenn you you're not doing this, this is suicide" Glenn sighed "It's a good Idea okay? Just hear me out. If we go out there in a group we're slow, drawing attention. If I'm alone, I can move fast...Look there's the tank, five blocks from where we are. That's the bag of guns. Here's the ally that I dragged you into when we first met. That's where Daryl and I will go" Glenn instructed using the floor, a drumbled sticky note and a clip as a demonstration "Why me?" Daryl inquired "Your crossbow's quieter than his gun" Then Glenn continued his plan "While Daryl waits here in the ally, I run up the street and grab the bag" "You got us elsewhere?" Rick asked "You and T-Dog right. You'll be in this ally here." Two blocks away? Why?" "I might not be able to come the same way. Walkers might cut me off. If that happens I won't go back to Daryl, I'll go forward instead, all the way around to that ally where you guys are. Which ever direction I go I got you in both places to cover me. Afterwards we'll all meet back here." I nodded, "Great plan, but, what do I do?" I asked leaning against a desk "You're fast and you got your rifle. You can scout from the roof, incase something goes wrong" I nodded "Hey, kid what you do before all this?" Daryl questioned "Delivered pizzas. Why?" I smiled "Kid, you would have been great in the army" I muttered patting his back and grabbing my rifle "Let's do this" I stated starting towards the roof.

I got set up at the front of the building, watching the tank waiting for Glenn to go. I brought up my rifle to where I could look through the scope. "I hope this goes well" I muttered, I saw Glenn dive into some of the sand bags and went for the bag when I heard shouting "The hell?!" I couldn't tear myself away from Glenn but Daryl could be in trouble. "Fuck" I growled and ran to the other side of the building to see Daryl trying to shut this kid up when two other guys came up out of no where and fucking jumped Daryl. "Shit" I aimed my rifle towards one of the guy's leg and fired. "That wasn't a good idea" I muttered to myself then Glenn entered the pitcure. Then they ran after him. Dayrl then shot the guy I shot in the leg in the ass. "Ouch" I wince and began to make my way down to the ally when a car drove up and they got in with Glenn. So by the time I got down there they were gone with Glenn and we had to leave. 

Fucking hell can anything go right?

Wordcount: 1735

((I got two chapters out in one day HORRAY!))

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