Chapter 1: Rick, Merle and Plans

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((Warnings: Cursing, cursing, and cursing))

I sat in a chair resting my head on Dylan's head, bored and waiting for Gleen and the others to come back. I would have went if Dylan didn't want me to go,  so now I was bored and waiting. Then a car siren echoed through the canyon, I smiled lightly and stood up, walking over with the others. A red Dodge Challenger rode up the way, I wolf whistled when it parked. Glenn opened the door and hopped out. I was too busy looking at the car and ignoring everyone when the siren stopped I walked up and ran my hand over the car and sighed "My god she's a beauty" I smirked and looked at Glenn. "You lucky son of a bitch" He smiled and nodded "Where are the others, where's Andrea?" Amy asked worried. "They'll be here at anytime" Glenn resurred, when a moving truck pulled up. Everyone got out, they ran to their families or reletives. I smiled lightly and looked around "Fuck where's Merle?" I asked myself leaning against the Dodge  "How did ya'll get out of there anyway?" Shane asked Morales, "New guy. Hey helicopter boy come say hello." A man  walked out of the moving van and walked up. Shane looked at the man, he was shocked and backed up a bit. Carl looked towards him and the man walked towards them "DAD!"  and ran towards him him with Lori running up behind him. The man hugged Carl and mubbled something, he walked up to Lori hugged her as well. I smiled lightly and looked at Glenn. "So you come up with a honking car, but the new guy is totally quiet?" I asked smirking lightly "Oh shut up" I laughed and got off the car, "Where's Merle?" I asked, seriously hoping they didn't leave him there. I hated Merle but he was Dayrl's brother and Daryl was my friend "Uh..." I sighed "Later" He nodded

We were sitting around the fire while the guy named Rick talked about what he went through. Which I felt totally bad for him, but I still needed to bring up Merle or else, Dayrl's going to be hell in a hand basket. But before I could ask Ed threw a log on his fire. I groaned and buried my face into my brothers shoulder "Dumbass" Dylan nodded and stared back at the fire ignoring him. "Hey, Ed might wanna rethink that log" "It's cold man" He answered, I rolled my eyes and sighed "Cold don't change the rules does it? We keep out fires low so we can't be seen from a distance" Shane explained. "I said it's cold, why don't you mind your own business for  once" Now even I could tell that ticked Shane off cause he got up and walked over there. Everyone looked over to watch, even my brother. I just sighed and watched, Shane walked back and Ed- I mean Carol took the log off the fire. Fucking dick wouldn't lift a finger to anyone. Once Shane sat down I got off my brother's shoulder and asked "Daryl's gonna be pissed when he hears about Merle. What are we gonna do?" I asked "I'll tell 'em, I dropped the key it's on me" T-Dog answered "I cuffed him that makes it mine" Rick spoke up, Glenn sighed "Guys it's not a competition. I don't mean to bring race into this but it might sound better coming from a white guy" I nodded and was about to agree when T-dog cut me off "I did what I did hell if I'm gonna hide from it" "We could lie" "Or tell the truth" I sighed "Hold on guys, just calm down. We sure as hell ain't lying, T-Dog, I know you want to but your not. You'll get beat, same for you Rick" "Then what do you prupose?" Rick asked "I know I wasn't there but, I think I should. Out of all of us I've gotten closest to Daryl." Glenn shook his head "No, you can't hold the blame" I rolled my eyes "Look, Daryl won't attack me...Well he would but, you know what I mean. I knew Merle and it might sound better coming from someone who can sound remorsefull" "You don't think I don't feel bad dropping that key down that drain-" "No, I know you do but, I can dodge a punch and I know how to talk to people" Glenn looked at me and sighed "You don't have to." I nodded "I know but, I know Daryl, and if Rick were to talk to himthen all hell would break loose" Dale nodded "Any way we split this, we're going to have our handsfull when he gets back from his hunt" I nodded "Truth ta that" "I was scared and I ran, I'm not ashamed of it" "We were all scared, we all ran. what's your point?" Andrea stated, and she probably wasn't wrong. "I stopped long enough to chain that door. Staircase is narrow, maybe half a dozen geeks can squeeze against it at anyone time. It's not enough to break through, not that chain, n-not that padlock. My point Dixon's alive and he's still up there handcuffed on that roof." There was a quiet moment before he started again "That's on us" He stated and got up. I stood up and patted Dylan's head "I'm going to bed, night" Dylan waved "Night, be there in a minute" I nodded and walked off into the night to the tent Dylan and I shared.

Poor Daryl, poor us, and fucking Merle

Wordcount: 945

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