"I'll be right back and then I'll show you your room." Gerard said to him.

Frank nodded again and looked down at his bound wrists. He was still shocked at all that had happen and his brain was moving slower than usual. How had he gotten kidnapped? This is the type of thing that happened in movies but here he was in an unsettlingly polite strangers house tied up. Now that he had time to collect his thought they were all on two people. The most important people in his life. His mom and his boyfriend.

He whimpered just thinking of how terrified she would be when he didn't come home from school and how worried Bert would be when he didn't give him a call like he usually did. His mom would probably cry by herself after reporting me missing to the police and contact all of the people he knew asking them when they had last seen him. But that would lead her nowhere because Bert and his friends are the only ones he spoke to. Simply thinking of his mom upset made his eyes sting. He couldn't help it when a tear was released and rolled down his cheek.

"Oh" Gerard muttered. He paused walking and forgot what was previously on his mind when he saw his boy sniffing with a few tears nearing his neck since he couldn't wipe them.

Frank hadn't noticed Gerard's presents until he was a few feet infront of him. He was partly embarrassed because he was crying like a baby in front of this man, but that only led to him letting out a little whimper when thinking about it.
His lip quivered as he looked up at Gerard, trying to keep it together.

"What's the matter?" Gerard asked. "Are the ropes too tight?"

Frank stared at the man, astonished. How could he ask what was wrong after kidnapping him? But instead of trying to talk sensibly to a man who just took him he nodded because the ties were a bit uncomfortable.

"Aw, look at you." Gerard cooed as Frank lifted his hands for them to be loosened. Instead, surprising, he took the silky ties off. After his hands he wend down to his feet and untied them too. "You're going to be a good boy for me aren't you?" He asked sure of himself.

Frank nodded, happy to be unconfined.

Frank coughed and cleared his throat. It felt dry and itchy, he usually drank after smoking so this was probably why. "Can I get some water?" He asked nervously.

"What kind of kid asks for water?" Gerard asked.

Frank shrugged. He was a weird kid.

"How about some punch, or a Capri Sun?" Gerard asked, trying to make Frank feel less threatened.

"Capri Sun?" Frank asked shyly.

"I knew you'd choose that." Gerard said to himself walking to the fridge. Frank's mom would always come home with Capri Suns for Frank after shopping so he went out to get some when preparing.

Before giving Frank his drink something dawned upon him, Frank didn't know his name. As soon as the random thought entered his mind he was already opening his mouth to correct the issue.

"Hey," Gerard said to catch Frank's attention, even though he already had it. Frank then, instead of staring at the drink in Gerard's hands, looked up to make eye contact with the man.
"My name is Gerard, that's what I want you to call me okay?"

Frank hesitated a second, letting the information seep in before nodding. The name was odd, especially for a man who wasn't over fifty, but still Frank liked it. It worked well with him somehow. Frank nodded nervously, just eager for his drink and Gerard smiled.

He handed Frank the pouch and Frank grabbed it quickly like a small animal meeting a human for the first time. Gerard thought that it was cute how quickly all of Frank's confidence drained just because of him. He was more like a baby than a teenager now. All small and afraid. He felt honored to have Frank so vulnerable around him even if it wasn't their choice. Frank drank the contents of the pouch quickly, never looking away from his captor in fear of them doing something to him while he was off guard. Though Gerard just waited until he was done with a a soft, subtle smile. Frank knew that it was stupid of him and he knew that this could cost him his life in the future but he couldn't help it. He wasn't afraid. Well, not as afraid as he should be. Frank would describe how he felt right now as "on edge" more than being scared. The man's soft voice and gentle touch made it impossible for him to fear them, though he had no idea what he would do next. It would only take seconds for this Gerard character to flip his switch and press a blade to his throat.

"All done?" Gerard asked when he noticed Frank blowing air in and out of the pouch.

"Mmhm" He hummed.

Gerard took the empty container and threw it away. On the way back to his boy he passes the plan on his refrigerator door, smiling at it, he crumpled the paper in his hands and threw it away.

"Gerard?" A small voice called from the living room.

Gerard practically ran to see if his boy was okay. When he entered the living room he was relieved to see that Frank wasn't hurt, just worried.

"What's the problem, Frankie?"

Frank looked down at his lap, embarrassed that he was actually worried about the man who kidnaped him. Or more reasonably worried about what he would be doing while he wasn't in Frank's presence.

"I didn't know where you went." He said.

"Aw, sugar I would never leave you." Gerard cooed. He was nothing like Frank's father, that man deserved death.

A normal person in Frank's situation wouldn't find comfort in those words, in fact a normal person would be disturbed by words like those. But for some reason Frank wouldn't qualify as normal right then.

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