Day 23

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Day 23- A letter to someone. Anyone.

Dear ______________________________________ 

You consider me as a friend or sister ihdk anymore. You can be a jerk. You can make me smile,like a lot...... so much that I look like a creep. If only I could actually tell you how I feel about you. 

I find it even worse that we are in the same class and ugh FML I never have cried over a guy but then there was you,I regret crying over you. I stopped cutting because I remember the disappointment in your eyes the day you found out. But then recently since school started again you just had to continue with the hugs,making me smile/laugh... Which is somehow tempting me to pick up that blade and press it against my skin. But no I'm trying so fucking hard not to.

Since I met you and we started becoming friends,my marks dropped completely,my perspective on life changed,I started starving myself (which was not my intention), I changed like a lot,I feel more like me now but at the same time I don't feel like me.

I'm not trying to make you feel sorry for me or 'come running into my arms' or anything, I'm just writing the truth... Because at the end of the day I'm no more than just another food supplier to you and your squad!


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Hey guys please don't do what I did BC then u are gonna turn out to be fucked like me any trust me I hate it! So don't do it. If you need to talk just Pm me. 

XXX delilah XXX

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