Chapter 3: The Big Timeskip

Start from the beginning

"Kirai, you know the Headmaster?" upset that she couldn't control me, Sakura questioned, teetering.

"Mm, we met once on a job... allies ever since," I made a positive noise and gave a definite answer.

Sakura's eyes empty as she goes silent, expressionless.

"Okay... Sakura, let's test your Majik first. Put your hand on this globe," Riuji cut the tension, irritated by my innate nature to cause trouble as he carefully placed the transparent yet milky orb on his desk.

Sakura stepped closer, releasing some Majik into it, then it shone a mixture of shades.

"Your Origin is Spectrum Majik," Riuji explained what we already knew, as we'd studied long beforehand.

After the shadows subsided, I tested mine.

It glows an olive tone, tinged with fire, an anomaly as Pyre is my Origin's Bane.

"Nature, but you knew that... Why are you here again?" treating me as Ninperu's Shadow, Riuji forgot that I'm still a teenager, also ignoring the strange occurrence as if he'd expected it.

"Alexander's orders," I replied curtly, glaring at him now.

"Okay... what electives are you two taking?" Riuji gave up on trying to socialize with us, finally being the Headmaster he's supposed to be.

"I'll go with Sakura," I answered, making her smile, soothing the beast within.

"Vigilante, Alchemy, and Mechanics," she decided, and my mind popped up with various explanations why Sakura would choose such things, but nonetheless, I nodded in agreement, not objecting.

Riuji gave me a suspicious glance before clearing his throat.

"In that case, you may proceed to the first testing room, the door will have a sign that says Written on it. Go down the hall to your right after exiting my office... Kirai, you're naturally-" I stop Riuji from finishing his sentence.

"No, tell Alexander I don't need special privileges," I turned around with a sassy swish of my hair, taking Sakura along with me as we went to the first room.

"Are you ready?" I asked Sakura out of curiosity, then she smiles her heart-stopping grin.

"Aw, is Kirai~chan worried about Lil' ol' me?" in her tipping-point stage, I didn't intend to set Sakura off into psycho mode.

I blushed, looking away and walking faster.

"No, what's there to worry about? Tch, if you won't answer me, then I don't care if you fail," I retorted, sounding like the Tsundere that Kirai is.

Soon, we enter the first trial.

Chapter 3: End

Kirai Himawari (16):

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Kirai Himawari (16):

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- Belarus from Hetalia

Sakura Kirimitsu (16):

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Sakura Kirimitsu (16):

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- Artist?

Riuji Shintaro (22):

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Riuji Shintaro (22):

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- Dazai Osamu from Bungo Stray Dogs.
- Artist?
- He has a split-personality, so that's why there are two of him in the picture. The one in this Chapter is the one on the left.

The Secretary (?):

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Secretary (?):

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- Artist?


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