“Do you forgive me?” She whispers in to his ear huskily making him shiver.

He nods burying his head into her neck, “I’m sorry I was avoiding you.”

“Why were you?”

“I don’t know…I guess I just didn’t want to confront you.”

Rosemary grins mentally knowing he’ll be the perfect boyfriend. He’ll do what she wants as long as she keeps him happy. Pulling back from the embrace she cups his face in her hands and rubs his cheeks with her thumbs before laying a soft kiss on his lips though she really wants to bite his lower lip until it bleeds so she can taste his essence on her tongue.

The monster needs to be fed.

Soon, she promises herself, soon we can destroy him.


Levi is sitting in his desk chair while Rosemary lays on his bed asleep. They made out for a bit on his bed since they decided to skip the rest of the school day. They talked a bit before she fell asleep with her cheek on his chest while he petted her caramel colored hair. He likes how it tangles in his fingers when he digs into it while kissing her.

And he loves kissing her.

She hasn't touched him since the day before…like that but she’s very controlling while they're together. She likes to be on top, she likes to dominate the kiss and she likes to tell him what to do. Levi knows he should, for his manhood’s sake, not like this but he does. He likes how she takes over everything.

It makes him feel safe.

That was what had been ripping him apart after he walked away from her yesterday. He knows that he shouldn’t have liked watching her almost slit Ricky’s throat open. He knows seeing her enjoying herself while hurting him shouldn’t have turned him on. He also knows that this is all backwards but he can’t stop himself from wanting her.

By man rules he should be keeping her safe, he knows that but the way she’s so self-possessed and in control tells him she’s got it covered. He is the one who feels safe with her, like after years of living on the edge he can finally breathe again. It’s weird and he can’t explain it but its how he feels.

Knowing she’s asleep he takes off his hoodie and throws it into the pile of dirty clothes in the corner. Now he sits only in his white t-shirt. His arms are covered in fading burns in perfect little circles. At first his dad did it when he didn’t do what he was supposed to then Levi started doing it to himself. He doesn’t know why or even how it all began but he can’t break the habit now.

After leaving Rosemary or Rose as he likes to call her, he came home and paced his room all night smoking and burning himself with the fiery ends. He looks down at his fairly pale limbs and counts six little round circles black and red from the abuse it’s taken. He wonders if Rose sees what he does to himself what she’ll say. Will she think he’s a weirdo or will she feel pity for him?

He glances at her sprawled out on his bed. Her legs in only a pair of jean shorts and her light green V-neck t-shirt tight against her torso are a welcomed sight as she lies on her back. Thank god it was a warm day today, he thinks. Her lightly tanned legs are a bit spread apart making him look at the silky looking skin of her thighs. He wants to touch the area but he’s not sure if she’d like that.

She stretches her arms over her head in a restless move and Levi’s eye fall on the newly exposed skin of her torso. At first he can’t stop from wanting to caress the bare area before he sees a bit of discoloration. Frowning to himself he raises from his desk chair and walks closer to her. Kneeling beside the bed he gingerly lifts the fabric of her t-shirt a bit farther.

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