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Who you friend-zone, and did they take the hint...

Aries: Masky
(Got over it shortly after)

Taurus: Jane The Killer
(Took no hint)

Gemini: Eyeless Jack
(Took the hint)

Cancer: Laughing Jack
(Took no hint)

Leo: Ticci Toby
(Got over it very long after...)

Virgo: BEN Drowned
(Took the hint),

Libra: Nurse Ann
(Took the hint)

Scorpio: Dark Link
(Got over it very, very, very long after...)

Sagittarius: Jeff The Killer
(Took no hint)

Capricorn: Elska Ruth
(Took no hint)

Aquarius: Clockwork
(Took the hint)

Pisces: Hobo Heart
(Took no hint)

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