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Who would made you go ballistic and what they did...

Aries: Sally
Stole your weapon and hid it. You gave her a lecture afterward.

Taurus: Ticci Toby
He was bossing you around. You just decided to put in ear-plugs and carry on.

Gemini: Jeff
He kept trying to scare you, well, to the point when you got mad. Then he was the one that ran away screaming.

Cancer: Masky
Kept randomly picking at you for everything you had. It didn't hurt you, it was just very fucking annoying that he kept popping up. You almost killed him, but Slender had to stop you

Leo: BEN Drowned
Let's just say that you ended up almost drowning him again because he kept using perverted jokes to distract you from the game, so he ended up winning. Again, Slender had to stop you before he actually drowned again.

Virgo: Laughing Jack
Need I say more?

Libra: Dark Link
Kept picking at you for your size. No matter if you were taller or shorter, fatter or skinnier. Honestly, you almost best the shot out of him with his own sword.

Scorpio: Sonic.EXE
He was begging you to race, just to see you lose. It got annoying, but you did nothing about it. You just hoped he'd forget

Sagittarius: Pinkamena
She was trying to poison you with her cupcakes. Needless to say, you have her one of her own, and... She blacked out. You were grounded for a week, maybe a month... ;-;

Capricorn: Nina The Killer
She was fangirling and shipping you with (y/f/cp). You both had a fangirl battle, which you literally grabbed a weapon out from nowhere and started trying to kill her.
(For me, it's BEN)

Aquarius: Bloody Painter
He wanted to paint you. You said no. Then he started following you around. That being said, you his in a closet for days on end until Slender found you.

Pisces: Eyeless Jack
He tried to get you to try kidneys. He nagged you all day, and one night, he almost died again by choking on a kidney in his sleep. He would say it was sleep walking. Everybody else knew what happened, though...

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