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Would Jeff ever let you touch his knives?

Aries: I'm not gonna raise hell today, so no.

Taurus: How 'bout no?

Gemini: Fuck that noise!

Cancer: Umm... No.

Leo: *He said no, but they snatched one any way. He has so many knives he didn't even notice. Until her saw him/her playing with it*

Virgo: Who would be that stupid?

Libra: Nope.

Scorpio: Noooooooooooo.

Sagittarius: mmm- no.

Capricorn: Maybe... Not!

Aquarius: How many times do I have to tell you!? N, O!

Pisces: *Begged him to no end, kept saying no until he/she got Slender*

Jeff is a selfish prick sometimes.

Creepypasta Zodiacs [COMPLETE]✔Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum