"I'm sorry" really is over-rated

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                                                                  Mindy's POV

" come on , let's go" I shouted 

"okay, okay " hollered back Daniel " are you always so inpatient in the morning; I thought girls took longer"

" haha I took longer to get ready you took longer to eat dumbass"  I muttered. Daniel pretended to be hurt.

I started to glare at him " fine I'm sorry " he exclamied

" so what's it like to be here in this school" He cocked an eyebrow 

" well this school is stupid but the food is awesome , you have coffee made the way u want it and the pizza and salads are delicious "

" what the hell why won't this guy in front of me move his damn car" I said honking him.

" where was I" I said

" the part about food" He responded

" oh ok , well the classes are easy , if your not stupid. The school is not that big so will be able to find your way in two days, that's about it" I finished

 He smirked at me , I raised an eyebrow in answer. " the people!, what are they like over there" he exclaimed

I turned my attention back to the road and pulled into the parking.

" The people here are something ,they are not very big on welcoming people, so good luck" I said and started to walk away.

" wait" he called

" what" I said

" Aren't you supposed to show me around " he asked 

I giggled " what's so funny" he muttered

" well for one you think , I'm gonna show you around" I cried, he still stared at me like a lost puppy.

" Dude look at you" i pushed him toward the car window " what" he said

" you're hot!!!!!!!!!!" I announced " As soon as you enter those doors , you will be the center of attention.  People will be at your feet and worship you ! Okay Wow you're slow" 

He just stared at me " okay but mom said you would"

I threw my hands in the air " I give up , just pretend you don't know me" I fumbled and walked away.

                                                                   Daniels' POV

 What the hell just happened , my sister just called me hot...

The school looks weird despite my private schools , this looks well ... something .

" hey watch where -" she stopped in mid- sentence, she sized me up and smiled

" sorry , I'm Lisi and you are ?" 

" oh I'm Daniel " 

" your new aren't you ?"

"Yeah how'd  you know"

" well I have never seen you before ,expect form my dreams" she purred

I cocked an eyebrow " maybe this school won't be so bad after all" I said

She giggled  as I took her hand .

English was the last class of the day . Her Blond hair and striking blue eyes ...

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