New year , New beginnings

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Mindy's POV

"soooooooooooo , you and Kevin , have been together for how long now" smiled Layla 

I blushed " jeez , we've been together for 6 months " Layla's smile got bigger 

"oh my Gosh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" she squealed 

Her face turned serious " now do you love him"

My face was probably now the shade of a firetruck " I do love him, I really do" 

Layla squealed; she sprung up from where she was sitting and tackled me in a hug.

" uhh Layla can't breathe here" I whispered

"uhh sorry" she released me

Being in love with Kevin seems unreal . The New year is tomorrow and God , I have the most amazing boyfriend ever. 

"have you seen Cam lately?" I asked her

Layla is on the kitchen making cereal (lucky Charms  yummmm) " no why?"

"well it just seems werid that he's not around . I haven't seen him in two weeks and, he's always here" I said

" well ever since you and Kevin have been going out he did seem a little distant" she responded

Now that she said that I recall every time I'm with Kevin Cam is always scowling at us. 

I look up alarmed and Layla turns around too and she looks alarmed  " Omg Cam likes me, Cam likes you" we said simultaneously .  

"God , now I can't write that poem I was gonna write about me and Kevin. Now to know that Cam is disgusted by me." 

"shut up Mindy, are you kidding me ! Even if Cam likes you , oyu're his best friend and he should support you no matter what his feelings are. He's such a jackass like really ?! Wait till I see that guy , I'm gonna turned his little thing thah's needed for babies and feed to mountain lions." Layla sneered 

I would tell Layla that she's violent but than again she's right. " This isn't supposed to happen ; it can ruin our friendship forever" . Tears start to flow from my eyes.

Layla's gaze softened and sprinted towards me  and have me a reassuring hug " look  Mindy , keep your relationship with Kevin. You look so happy around him. Write that poem , hey even show it to Kevin. You deserve this more than anyone. Really with your dad in lethal coma and your mom not giving a shit about what you do. You deserve to be happy. Don't let some jerk take that away from you. " 

I was full out bawling now, because no one has ever said that to me. I look up into Layla's freindly brown eyes " You're the best friend in the whole world. I don't know what I could do without you. "

She smiled " Of course , I'm always here for you. "


My life is a living hell.


Max: hey man wat's up?

Me: Hatin my life

Max: Dude r u still hung up on Mindy?

Me: well yea , I like her

Max: Man, look she's dating someone 

Cam:  So what I had her 1st , then that guy came along and swooped her off her feet and took her.

Cam: God, I waited so long just to tell her how I feel, I screwed up man :(

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