A different turn

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'''Two weeks later

Mindy's POV

Since the scene that happened at school, I told Kevin that I needed space. I haven't spoken  to Daniel since then, we just pretended we were strangers to each other. I no longer drive him to school every morning. I don't even know how he gets there. Cam is the only person that I have contact to besides Layla. I talk to Cam sometimes, it's just not the same anymore. 

I hear a sound on my bed and find out that it was my phone.  It was picture from Cam. More like a letter that he took a pic of . 

Dear Mindy,

I'm sorry for being a jerk. Nothing's been the same since what I did. I just wanted to let you know how I felt and  wasn't thinking. You're great girl and you deserve someone who treats you right. I believe that I'm right for you. You probably hate and I probably deserve it. I realized that if I can't have you then no one can. I've went over the limit. I took some pills and now I think that I'm thinking straight. You'll hate me forever but I can live with that. I just killed someone and now I'm going after Kevin. 

I'm sorry 


I dropped the phone and backed against the wall. Next thing I know I'm banging on Daniel's door. 

"Come in" he says

I run in. " Gosh what the hell is going on with you!" He says in that husky voice that makes my heart stop.

" I need your help" I whisper

" I thought you wanted nothing to do with me" He mummers while looking at the floor

" Daniel look this serious" I say on the verge of tears 

That gets his attention and he looks concerned " What happened Mindy" 

" We don''t have time okay!!! Just please hurry up and I'll explain in the car."  I exclaim 

I run down the stairs and he grabs the keys and follows me out the door. At the same time I tell him to turn the corner and stop at Layla's house.

I'm out the door in a flash and in her house in a matter of 3 seconds. I rush upstairs to her room and find her and Ben making out on her bed. 

"Layla" I scream and She jumps to the floor and is on the floor

" Jesus!" "You scared the crap of me" 

" We have to go!!" I say 

I turn towards Ben " When's the last time you talked to Cam?" 

Ben looks flustered " Um I think yesterday, why?"

" Was there anything wrong with him?" I continue to ask him

" Nope nothing" He tells me 

" What is this about?" Layla says I don't say anything just walk out the door and within a couple of seconds we're in the car.

" Okay so where are we going" Daniel asks me

" Kevin's house" I reply

" Wait Kevin the one you broke up with? Mindy tell us what the hell is going on" Layla demands

" Cam just killed someone and now he's going after Kevin. He said that if he can''t have me then no one can" I whisper so low that I'm sure that none of them can hear me. Silence radiates throughout the car, while everyone takes the news. 

" Are you sure" Ben's the first to break the silence

I nod " Knowing Cam its probably true. We have to get there before anything bad happens" I tell them

Why is it always me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя