So hot.

It's so hot.

It burns!

I'm burning!

Why is nobody helping me?!

I'm screaming.

Nobody hears.

I opened my eyes and sat up.

I was completely covered in sweat. I took deep and shaky breaths. I looked around and saw an unfamiliar place.

I breathed in the air and it was clear that I was outside. It was completely dark.

I slowly stood up, my body aching. I was laying on concrete which was odd.

I took a look at my clothes that I was wearing and they didn't seem to be familiar. I was wearing a white T-shirt, jeans and some kind of a soft jacket.

I looked right in front of me and saw what appeared to be a music store.

I walked over to the glass door and tried to open it but it wouldn't budge.

I walked around, trying to figure out a way in. Luckily, I found a stone on the concrete so I threw it right at the door.

The glass shattered and an alarm started ringing, causing the whole color of the store to become red.

I carefully took my arm through the hole in the glass and unlocked the door from the inside.

I stepped in the store and looked around.

How was I here?

What happened?

How come I don't remember anything?

I noticed a brown piano and sat down on the little stool in front of it.

I gently placed my fingers on the keys and played a soft tune.

I don't even remember what song it was but it felt right to play it.

I stopped playing and closed my eyes, trying my best to remember anything that I could.

Suddenly I heard something. It was someone whistling. I immediately stood up and went out of the store.

Was there someone else here with me?

I looked around but didn't see anyone or anything.

I walked over to the road and looked around there instead.

Right when I turned around, I saw a bright light. I quickly moved out of the way in complete fear.

It was a car.

And then... I heard a crash.

I saw a giant splatter of blood on the road and my heartbeat immediately began to pick up its pace.

I ran as fast as I could to the car.

It had crashed into the store.

There was fire...

The piano had caught on fire.

The heat waves of the flames hit me hard and I lost control of my breathing.

I couldn't move.

I heard it again.

That same whistle.

I collapsed on the concrete but before I lost conciseness, an image of a bathtub flashed before my eyes.


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