My brother was talented in most things, as well as having an insanely clever and amazing mind. However, if I sent him on a quick trip to get milk, he'd come back with around fifty different types of instant ramen as well as enough chocolate to feed a small city for a week.

That was why I was the designated shopper.

I wandered down the isles, being careful to select the orange juice without pulp to save myself from the whining and complaining I'd get if I accidentally bought the wrong one again. I dropped the bottle into the trolley as I heard what sounded like a very interesting phone conversation going on behind me.

"Tae, listen," said a calm voice, "You can tell me to buy it as many times as you like, but that does nothing to change the fact that they've run out."

There was a pause as the man on the other side of the call spoke.

"I am not walking a mile to the next shop just because you have a slight craving for pineapple juice!"

I stifled a chuckle as I pretended to browse the isles, not wanting to walk off and miss hearing the outcome of this conversation. I couldn't see the man as he was behind me, but I guessed that his expression was a mixture of annoyed and fed up.

"I don't know where you went to school, dongsaeng, but here in Seoul you can't milk a fucking pineapple, so no, I won't be doing that for you," he whined.

I bit my bottom lip to avoid making a sound.

"No, Tae!" he exclaimed, exasperated, "You juice them! Are you messing with me right now?"

As listened in to the amusing exchange, my eyes scanned the shelves before me and I came across the bottles of pineapple juice the man was searching for. He had been looking on the wrong side of the isle.

"Can't I just get an actual pineapple instead? You can eat that, or even try to milk it for all I care."

I grabbed a bottle and spun around to see the back of the man who was speaking on the phone , and weirdly I found his small frame oddly familiar. He had blonde hair and a little body that was being drowned in his oversized sweatshirt which only made him look smaller and cuter.

"Why not thoooouuugh?" The smaller man asked his friend. He was obviously tired and just wanted to leave.

I decided to put him out of his misery and tap him on the shoulder, smiling and holding the bottle of highly desired pineapple juice to the stranger.

Park Jimin

I was ready to strangle my best friend.

Taehyung was being such a diva, and it was all because he had woken up that morning wanting some pineapple juice.

We never bought pineapple juice. I didn't even know you could buy pineapple juice. But apparently, Kim Taehyung needed it then and there, and I was the one who had to get it for him.

He was certainly unique.

A gentle tap on my shoulder had me turning around to face whoever had wanted to get my attention. Suddenly, as if by magic, the difficult roommate issue was thrown far from my mind.

Blueberry. It was him. Right in front of me.

He was standing there looking at me like an angel, smiling and holding the key to my happiness - a bottle of pineapple juice. I hung up on my best friend straight away, cutting him off mid sentence and not caring one bit.

As soon as I turned around he seemed to recognise me too, and he cocked his head to the side and smiled wider when I looked at him.

"Dancing window guy?" He asked.

Oh no.

My cheeks went red and I pursed my lips. I was so embarrassed. The beautiful man before me had seen my goofy victory dance and I was not happy with that in the slightest.

"Don't be embarrassed," he said, smiling kindly, "I loved your moves."

And now, for the butterflies.

I smiled sheepishly at him, really not knowing how to respond but thankful that he was attempting to ease my nerves. He looked back down at the juice in his hand with a jolt, as if remembering why he had gotten my attention in the first place.

"Oh! I forgot," he said, holding the bottle up for me to take it, "Freshly milked from a pineapple's teat."

I couldn't help but laugh at him, noticing his sense of humour and god, that smile. You could end wars with that cute little grin.

He laughed too, still looking into my eyes as I took the bottle from him.

"Thank you," I said, smiling back, "You've just saved me from so much whining and complaining when I get home."

He nodded and smiled knowingly like he understood me entirely, and I wondered if he had a friend like Tae in his life.

"You're very welcome, cutie," he spoke, making my cheeks go warm again at the compliment.

With that, he bowed slightly and walked off, all the while not pulling that beautiful smile off his kind, handsome face.

I was still watching his tall, lean body, clad in black skinny jeans and a loose, plain white top walk away when my phone rang once again.

"Jimin?" Asked my clueless best friend, "What the hell happened?"

"Kim Taehyung, I adore you and your weird-ass cravings."

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