Chapter 8 - The Information Broker

Start from the beginning

“Hmm… after being threatened at gun point for sensitive information, I realized that maintaining a certain level of security is a must. If you’re offended at the search of weapons, please don’t be; it’s a security measure. As for why Honda-san from the Yakuza is in charge of that; I don’t mind telling you as long as you pay for it. And if you want to know about the story with me being threatened at gun point, I’ll even give you a discount.” after pressing the power button on his desktop screen, he gets up from his seat and walks around to find his way to his armchair and plops down on it comfortably.

“Tsk. Stingy as always. First you use intrigue, then you make them pay outrageous prices for information that has nothing to do with themselves. What, you thought I’d fall for it and fork out cash like the rest of your idiotic customers?” She raises the left side of the top of her lip in distaste.

"I did offer you a discount you know." Shou shrugs in response, a small smile playing on face.

They are interrupted by one of the Gintama (a popular anime) OSTs. Confused amusement makes Nina raise her eyebrows. It seems starting a business doesn't cure otaku tendencies. At least not in Shou's case.

Shou's cheeks tinge pick under Nina's gaze as he mumbles, "'Scuse,", fishes his cell out of his pocket jersey pocket, (causing Nina to wonder how such a giant thing fit in there in the first place) and answers it, "Moshimoshii."

"It's Sakamoto." the male voice from the other end whispers.

"Oooh, Sakamoto, how can I help you?" Shou asks pleasantly. Sakamoto's calls are usually good news. Maybe not for everyones, but him, a business man, another person's misfortune is often his own fortune.

"Rather than that, we can help each other. Arakawa Isamu and Hattori Akifumi are having dinner together right now."

Shou moves to the corner of the office, as far away from Nina as he can as the volume of his voice drops.

"You are talking about Hattori the Minister of Justice and Arakawa Isamu, the kumicho of the Arakawagumi, right?" 

"Yes and yes."

"You get me photos, any snippets of conversation, recorded in tape or at least in your brain and I'll have the money wired to your account straight away."

"Deal. Glad to do business with you."

"You too, you too."

As for who this Sakamoto is; just a waiter who works at one of the most exclusive restaurant for the elites of society where privacy is supposed to be its highest selling point. Even the entrance is disguised and password protected so only the upper echelons of society can enter. Security is tight enough that only the staff know who enters and exits its doors. It's a hot spot for secret deals and the like, so what kind of information broker would Shou be if he didn't have a contact working there?

"Who was that for you to have such a huge grin grin on your face?" Nina asks dubiously as soon as he returns from his phone conversation.

"Just an informant." he says.

"Good news?"

He thinks for a second, "Good news for my business, as well as for some other select people but probably bad news as a whole."

"You've become pretty despicable." she laughs, shaking her head.

The door vibrates from a loud knock, followed by the entrance of the intimidating and bulky receptionist/security guard, Honda-san of the diagonal scar across his face, balancing in his hands a pink refreshments tray comprising of iced coffee with whipped cream and a small plate of biscuits. The image is a huge contradiction almost sending Nina into a fit of giggles as she imagines him with an floral pink apron tied around his waist. For politeness’ sake, or rather safety’s, since she doubts she could take him on, she quells her laughter and sits up properly.

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