Chapter 10 - The Voice Behind the Blindfold

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"With the right reasons, angels easily become devils." - Kim Jae Woo, international thief


Being offered a teaching job at Ishihara Gakuen was a turning point in Kita Hiromichi's life. And why wouldn't it be? It's one of the best schools, among both public and private, in the country. But what Hiromichi hadn't expected is the danger that would befall his life, simply because he taught at the school.

It happened on a normal day when he was walking back from the closest convenience store to his apartment building. A black Mercedes Benz stopped abruptly at the curb beside him and men in black suits rushed out. Before fear could even register in his body and mind, one of the men had hit the back of his head and darkness engulfed his vision.


He wakes and the first thing he notices is his inability to see, speak or move. He has been blindfolded and gagged. He struggles, his heart threatening to jump out of his rib-cage from fear, moving his body and head in every way possible to loosen the handicaps, but that only serves to tighten the ropes and pull him closer to the chair and makes no difference to the cloths tied tightly around his head over his eyes and mouth. He despairs, but, trying to keep calm, surveys his surroundings using his other senses. The temperature is low and the hairs on his arms are standing up. He sniffs and the smell reminds him of a stuffy old storeroom which hasn't been opened in years. As for noises - he could hear some cars in the distance and the hum of a ventilator. But this information is only useful if he can survive whatever is happening to him.

His concentration is disrupted by the sound of the opening of a door, the handle banging against the wall as it's slammed open.

"Is this him?" the gruff voice of a middle-aged man speaks in English.

Hiromichi panics and is heart begins to race even faster and his breathing becomes heavy. Has he somehow become involved in some international mafia business? Or the FBI, CSI or Interpol or whatever other organizations they have overseas? But he's always made sure to live according to the constitutional law; why is this happening to him?

"Yes, sir." Another voice answers, a younger one this time.

A sigh. "Well here you go boy, he's all yours. You know who to call once you're done here." The older man's voice says.

The door slams shut.

Hiromichi breaks out in cold sweat as footsteps approach him.

"You probably don't know why you're here." A third voice, young this time, perhaps in his mid-twenties to thirties, states gently.

"I'm really sorry about this actually, dragging an innocent person in like this, but it seemed to be the best way to go about things."

Hirmichi relaxes a little at hearing the touch of kindness in the man's voice. But this turns out to be foolish; relaxing in this kind of situation, since the next words to leave the other man's mouth chill him to the bone.

"Well, if you just comply to my wishes, you won't have much to worry about, but if you don't... hmm.. then, you'll have lots to worry about. Your life, for one thing... unless I'm feeling particular sadistic today and decide to destroy your whole body but keep your mind alive. But then there's the other option too... destroying your mind instead of your body, well, that's only if you don't listen to me. So as long as you do as I say, you'll leave here perfectly fine. Maybe even ten times richer. It all depends upon you."

Hiromichi suddenly feels cold metal against his neck.

"What to do you say? I've recently been forced to appreciate the arts, how do you feel about some bloody art on your skin? My knife skills are amazing you know.."


A/N: A tiny chapter compared to my other ones, but here you have it... I feel like it sets a completely different tone and i don't even know if I'm doing this right and I... well whatever, I'll shut up about that now, I'll just request for you guys to comment on your thoughts on this and vote if you liked it. That's all, thanks:)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15, 2015 ⏰

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