It's been a week since that day, the day which ruined my life completely... At that time I didn't know what to do. I was angry, hurt most of all I felt betrayed, here I was hurting because I couldn't give him his happiness, I was  blaming myself for his ignorance but there he was having the time of his life. I couldn't help but think that all these business trips late night meetings were excuse so that he could spend his time with his assistant. My trust was shattered I was fool to think he was different.
I dry laugh escaped my lips through the sobs as I thought about how he stopped me from working in our company so that he could keep his dirty secrets.

"Baby I want you to explore the world, I want you to meet new people work in in a environment and also you can show everyone that you can achieve success by your hard work and talent not because you are working in your husband's company..!"

"but Imaad I want to work with you not in some other company...!" I was agitated as to why he didn't want me to work with him

"sweetheart trust me on this, I only want what is best for you and if you don't like it there you can always come back after all you are the owner ...!" he winked at me smiling I hugged him

I scoffed at the thought of trust, I didn't know if will be able to trust anyone... I was never interested in work or running a whole damn company but after we found that I couldn't conceive I was falling in depression it was then aapa and Imaad suggested that I should get a job  to keep me distracted and it worked... soon I found myself enjoying my job. My chain of thoughts were broken by mahira when she came barging in my room.

"you are crying again....!" she sighed and came to sit beside me "look am not asking you to forget everything but stop feeling sorry for yourself it's been a week i think it's time you should confront that scumbag and show him that you are stronger than he will ever be...!" i know she was also very angry but she masked it for my sake when she found me in that restaurant's washroom she wanted to Kill Imaad

" i'am afraid" my voice came out so low that I wouldn't by surprised if she didn't heard "that after this confrontation it will become more real and I am not ready to face it"  I was trying my best not to break down
"wh..what if it was a one time thing and he is not in a relationship with her.."
Pathetic right I know I was sounding like a pathetic who still wanted to save her marriage which was basically dead, who still wanted to forgive her husband who was cheating on her. But I knew no matter how many times I will deny this it will be my reality.

" what's gotten into you Wafa I didn't peg you for a weak woman...!" she looked at me indicurously " I know you are thinking that maybe this is a misunderstanding but I want to tell you it's not..." now she had my undivided attention I wanted to know what she was trying to say

" I.. Please don't be mad at me I did what I thought will best for you.." she looked at me nervously, I nodded at her to continue

" I may or may not asked one of my friend to follow Imaad this past week a.. and..." I didn't let her complete "what did you find out...?"  

"I'am sorry...!" she looked away from me. I was not mad at her, I was just hurt. My  eyes widened as she laid hundreds of pictures in front of me those photos were the proof of my husband's infidelity.

"he is cheating on you with that witch from one year and right now he is living with her... In a penthouse which..." she looked at me trying to gauge my reaction, I nod at her asking her to continue even though I didn't wanted to listen

"he actually gifted her that penthouse as their anniversary gift, last week when you saw them they were celebrating their first anniversary.." I started hipper ventilating at the news never in my wildest had I imagined what I heart, my breathing were shallow..

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