Red Light

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Sharp winds whipped through the abandoned buildings of the narrow road as purple snow melted into the neon ground. The winds continued to knock me back and forth as I pushed through the piles of snow. The storm that had seemed so gentle was much more dangerous on the ground.

If you would have asked me, why I followed, why couldn't I just for one moment think only of myself and walk away. I would have told you I wasn't thinking.

The red umbrella and the memory of my friends was a beacon in this quiet night. I was being pulled deeper into its flame.

"Min, this is Haru speaking. Are you still functional?" Haru said from within, her voice was panicked but slow, "You must navigate to the SYM auditorium. I am waiting and prepare for your safe arrival. You must hurry."

I ignored Haru's plea and continued forward. The umbrella hadn't come down so I couldn't see their faces. I needed to know for sure who these strangers were. I patiently followed until we reached a brick wall of the road under a bright street lamp. I stood in the middle of the street and away from the spotlight to watch in silence.

The red umbrella collapsed, sending drops of melted snow swirling down. Under the street lamp, Jaehyun and Jisoo stood close together both wearing all black. Jaehyun wore a leather jacket, and Jisoo wore a long fur-trimmed coat with her hands tucked into the pockets.

Jaehyun's propped his bike against the brick wall. Memories of riding on that hot summer day flooded through me. I thought of him many times when I was locked away. My warmth turned cold as a spark fizzled near my head.

"Are you alright," Jisoo said and tucked a black piece of hair behind her ear.

I almost didn't recognize Jisoo. Her hair was cut like mine once was.

Jaehyun looked up into the light, "I guess, I'm just - I don't know."

"We're all upset Jae," Jisoo said, and put her hand on his jacket, "I've been having nightmares about what happened to those agents. Who knows where those dolls are now."

Dolls, so I'm not the only one.

"It's not that," Jaehyun said and stood further away.

"If it's about the sanctions, we'll be okay," Jisoo said and pulled a red purse up her shoulder, "I haven't spent much of my money since I debuted. We can use that until this all passes."

Jaehyun closed his eyes like he was in prayer, "Jisoo, there isn't enough money in the world that could fix this."

The loud horn of a truck sounded in the distance.

Jisoo looked up the road, "Then what is it? You've been acting strange all night."

"You remember that fire that happened at the factory," Jaehyun said and lowered his voice.

"The fire Min-young's mother died in?" Jisoo said and nodded, "Of course I remember. It was horrible."

I never talked about my mother's death to Jisoo. It seemed to upset her so much she would change the subject.

"The police have been investigating the remains of the factory," Jaehyun said, his words pulled from him slowly, "They think the fire had something to do with the Hara project."

"The police were at the SYM building a few days ago too. They didn't seem to find anything," she said and pressed her red lips together, "Why are you worried about the factory? You didn't work there."

"I didn't," Jaehyun said and looked over his shoulder again, "But I made deliveries to the office next door."

"Jaehyun," Jisoo whispered, "What's wrong why are you -"

"I didn't mean to Jisoo, I swear I-," Jaehyun said and held his hands out to her.

Jaehyun what are you -

Jisoo stood back, "What are you talking about?" she said.

"I locked them in," Jaehyun said and winced at his own words, "I locked them inside the factory."

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