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SYM Auditorium
Sunday, October 23
9:59 AM

The large black display flashed from the top floor of the auditorium and facing the road below where I stood.

The auditorium was oblong shaped with neatly cut trees along a wide concrete path and a yellow gate at the end. The building sat alongside the busy city street. On the curb news vans parked with their satellites tilted to the sky and cameras focused on the never ending line of hopeful girls.

I had only seen the SYM auditorium on the news. The stories always started with a young boy or girl who had come from a poor family but than with a stroke of luck they had their chance and would become one of the most famous idols in K-pop. At least for a short while. There would be no need for auditions if idols were meant to last.

I shivered in my yellow sundress. I wished I had something else to wear, but I had left my only jacket at home on purpose. I couldn't think of Jaehyun right now. Not with the little confidence I already had.

"Ugh," a girl pouted her red lips ahead of me, "I should have worn a different shirt. This one makes my arms look fat. You know they'll notice."

"Don't worry," the girl's friend said lifted a compact mirror to her face, "You know they make everyone lose weight once they pass the audition."

With all my thoughts of clothes and makeup, I hadn't even though of my weight. I had always been complimented on my slim limbs and healthy face. If there was something, I could find confidence in it was this.

I listened to the girls as they continued to talk. Where was Jisoo? The gates would open in one minute. I wasn't sure how many people they would let in. Would I have to give up my spot and wait for her?

"Min," I heard someone yell behind me.

I turned to see Jisso. She was waving her arm and running beside the line. Her blonde hair was braided at the front and tousled in perfect large curls. She was wearing a cropped black top with a ripped jean skirt and black thigh high boots.

"I cannot believe you made it," Jisso said and linked her arm with mine to cut in line.

The other girls looked up and down at Jisoo with disdain. Jisoo ignored them and continued to focus on me.

"I got here early," I said.

Jisoo craned her neck up the long line, "Do you think we'll make it in?"

"Maybe if we wait long enough people will start to leave," I said and looked down the other side of the line.

"I think there's already someone for that," Jisoo said and pointed to a man with a clipboard walking out from the gate.

The man was wearing a plain black t-shirt with jeans and dark sunglasses that hid his expression. With each stop along the line, he would point to a few girls, give them red paper bracelets and point his stubby finger towards the gate. The girls would skip forward with their new bracelets around their wrists. The others who were left behind would sulk their shoulders and walk out of the line.

My legs trembled as the man inched closer. I couldn't walk away, but I couldn't stay still either. Jisoo also looked nervous, moving her head to each side on the tips of her toes to get a better look. I could only look down at my dirty shoes.

The sharp click of a pen against paper hit my ears. I looked up into the man's reflective glasses. His mouth was firm and unmoving. Jisoo leaned closer beside me and gave the man an inviting grin. I titled my head higher and forced a tight smile to try and match hers.

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