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"So, how's work going?" You look over to the taller man, his dark burgundy hair falling gently over his left eye.

He pushes the piece of hair away- and speaks up. "Fine." He lets out a sign as he turns his head to look at you while he walks.

"Fine? That's it? Just fine?" You giggle, he's always like this- back in high school he had no other friends other than you because of his stand-offish and cold behaviour.

"What's so funny?" He huffs.

"I'm just happy to see you!" You breath as you heart beat quickens- Himura's cheeks turn a slight shade of pink.

"Anyway, (y/n).. How have you been doing?" You face twists into one of confusion at his words, what are you supposed to say? Lost some memories and learnt that your little brothers kindergarten class was murder? Surely he already knows that.. Himura looks down at you raising an eyebrow at your odd expression.

"Something bad happened? Or at least something troubling?" You gaze meets his and your eyes widen, whelp- can't hide it from him anyway.

"Do you remember around.. five years ago.." You pause unsure on how you will continue.

"Five years ago...?"

"Five years ago a kindergarten class was murder.." You snap your face away from his gaze and turn your head down to the ground.

"Hmm, was that already so long ago? That kindergarten class was your half brothers right?" A frown forms on Himura's pale face.

"Yeah, somehow I forgot about it." Your hands make it to your temples- and you give them a rub.

"Oh? That's normal if it was that traumatic, you could've forgotten about it."

"Actually there's something else, I ran into his kindergarten teacher just the other day." You mumble watching your feet step on the ground in a rhythmic manner. Himura stops.

"You did? Where?" He begins to look around at your surroundings.

"The park at my apartment..?" Your sentence comes out as a question when you turn to look up at Himura.

"Shit, really?" His eyes look stern as he stops and gazes hard at you.


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