"I don't want you going down there."

"I'm going."

"Look, this isn't a comic book sam. These guys are brutal killers."

"So are the Frog brothers."

I laughed when I heard that.

"Who'd you rather have go down there with you? Them or me?"

"If something happens down there, I won't have the strength to protect you."

I walked over to them and placed a hand on Micheal's shoulder.

"Mike, I'll keep an I on him. And if something happens then I'll take care of my self the same way I'll take care of them." I stated.

Sam didn't catch on but I know Micheal did when he gave me a reassuring nod.

"Listen!" We heard and turned around to see Edgar about to head down to the cave.

"Just so you know; if you try to vamp out in anyway. I'll stake you without even thinking twice about it."

"Chill out Edgar." Sam and I said.

"Where did you say you met these guys?" Mike asked causing Sam and I to laugh.

We started to walk down to the cave. Sam helping Micheal walk. Me? I'm okay. I don't let sleep get to me.

"Holy shit."

"Vampire hotel."

I heard and knew the boys got there. I was gonna keep walking slowly until

"Here's one. Let's stake her!"

Mike and I started to run. Mike limping but I sprinted as fast as I could to get there.

"Don't you touch her!" Micheal said behind me.

"Leave her alone." I said. the boys kept walking but I quickly caught up with them.

We got to the darker part of the cave.
"I feel a draft. I think there's something up there." Alan stated.
"Let's check it out,Sam." Edgar replied and we all made our way deeper into the cave.

We started to crawl in a narrow hole.
We had to crawl in a line.
Alan was in the front, Edgar behind him, then Sam and then me.

"Move Alan. Move." Edgar said being impatient.

"Flies." Alan replied swatting a few.
"We're on the right track. Flies and the undead go together like bullets and guns."

"No shit Edgar." I said.

"Come on." Alan told us. And we all continued to crawl.  Eventually we got out of the hole and got to a very dark part of the cave. Not even a little bit of sun light was sneaking its way through the cracks.

"What's that smell." I heard the rookie Sam ask.
"Vampires, my friend. Vampires." Ed replied

"It's freezing in here." Sam said again.
"Sam quit complaining." I told him. It was getting on my nerves. 
"But it looks like a dead end. Let's head back." He tried to say but was ignored.
"They must have hidden their coffins here someplace." Ed said and ran off. I followed and Alan followed behind me. Sam stayed in the same place until Alan came back and pulled him towards us.

We got to a pitch black part of the cave. The only light coming from our flash lights.
Sam started to complain again. "There's nothing here. Let's go, guys."
I rolled my eyes and asked "how the hell are you supposed to know that? It's pitch black in here."
"That's what I thought." I said and started to shine my light on a wall.
"JESUS!"  Edgar yelled with his light on the celling of the cave. Sam started to scream but Edgar covered his mouth.

"I thought they were supposed to be in coffins."
"That's what this cave is. It's one giant coffin."
Edgar and Alan then made their way to the now visible wooden staircase. I stood back to watch Sam incase the bloodsuckers woke up.

"Right now they're at their most vulnerable."
"Easy Pickens."

"Remember you just have to kill the leader." I sighed at Sam's pointless comment.
"We don't know which one the leader is. I guess we'll just have to kill them all." Edgar replied when he got to the top of the staircase.

"Start with the little one." Alan told him passing a stake. "First come,first staked." He finished causing me to laugh.

"What was that, a little vampire humour? It wasn't funny."

"Yes it was." I said still laughing.

Edgar reached the top and was about to stab Marko.
"No!" Sam yelled.
"Good night blood sucker." Edgar said then stabbed Marko. Waking him and the others. Marko has some purple kinda substance come out of him and spray all over Alan and Edgar.
The boys jumped down and then Marko fell right in front of Sam and I causing us to get covered in the purple stuff as well.
The others woke up and David looked fucking pissed.
"You're dead meat!" He yelled and we ran off.

We ran all the way back to the cave but David caught up and grabbed Sam's ankle. Alan and I grabbed Sam trying to pull him free.
"Get him into the sunlight!" Alan yelled and Sam pulled his leg to bring David's arm into the light suddenly setting it on fire.  David quickly retracted his hand and Sam was free.
As we ran I heard David say tonight. I knew what that meant. He will be looking for us.

We all ran out and I pushed Sam in front of me. This way I would be the first one to get attacked if they came for us now.  I started to get tired and slowed down.
"Mike, start the car!" Sam screamed.  As he ran down to the blue vehicle.
"We blew it, man! We lost it!" Alan said out of breath.
"Shut up!"
"We unraveled in the face of the enemy!" Alan said again making Edgar more annoyed.
"It's not our fault. They pulled a mind-scramble on us! They opened their eyes and talked!"
Edgar pulled Alan down the stairs and to the car. I slowly came down behind them.
Sam was in the front seat and Mike,Star and Laddie were asleep in the back.
"I'll drive." Sam stated.
Alan being a (sexy) pain in the ass said "we don't ride with Vampires."
"Fine. Stay here." Sam said closing his door.
The boys looked at each other.
"We do now." Ed said with Alan later agreeing and running to the passenger side.
I was running over and climbed in. It was a little cramped in the front seat so I sat in Alan's lap.
"Come on! Sam let's get out of here! Burn rubber." Edgar quickly said.
Sam slammed on the gas making us nearly drive backwards off a cliff. We all screamed and I held on tight to Alan. He turned to look at the cliff and then turned back to me.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
"Yeah, I'm just tired. It was a lot of running." I said and then closed my eyes. To the sound of Sam saying
"Burn rubber, does not mean, warp speed!"

The female Hunter ( The Lost Boys Fanfiction) Alan Frog x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now