I reached over and handed her the butter. "I'm hungry myself. The bread and hot Artisan rolls look delicious." I picked up my butter knife, and could't help but notice her poised nature. It was as if she belonged here all along. Where did she come from?

I placed my butter knife down next to my plate. "Are you enjoying the wedding and reception Miss Dunbar?" I spoke over the dinner music that was playing.

"I am, thank you for asking. You can call me Nicole. That would be better for our cover. It should seem as if you know me." Her eyes met mine briefly and smiled.

Just then, everyone jumped out of their chairs and onto their feet. The music was playing for The Shape of You. Nicole, latched onto my hand and led me to the dance floor.

I'm not a good dancer, but that girl can dance. I was in awe watching her. I honestly couldn't figure her out. The night ended and people started leaving.

"Do you need a ride, Nicole? I would be happy to take you home. I-I meant to say, to drop you off." I became nervous around her and wondered what she was thinking.

"I'd appreciate that, I stayed longer than I had planned. My transportation is a long story." She actually blushed. I don't think she had a real ride.

I didn't want to embarrass her. "No problem. If your ride left, I'm at your service." She collected her wedding favors off of the table, and I drove her home. Our conversation was a bit strained on the ride, since we really didn't know each other.

I pulled up in front of her apartment. "Thank you so much for the lift, and for pretending to be my plus one. You're a pretty cool guy. Maybe I'll see you around." She spoke quickly and opened her car door before I could get out.

"No problem. Who knows, we may run into each other here in Dallas. Take care." I rushed my words before she closed the car door.

For some reason I remember having a similar conversation. But when and where, I have no clue.

She bent her head while leaning inside the car. "See ya around Skyler." Then she disappeared through her apartment door. I sat and made sure she got in safely before I pulled off.

End of Flashback. . .

"I haven't seen her since your wedding, one year ago. I thought I had seen her face before the day she crashed your wedding." I chuckled thinking about her moxie. Who does that? I guess she does.

I got back on track. "Apparently, she has been working here at our company for a few years. I must have seen her in the hallways. She is beautiful and seems strong willed. How do I approach her?"

"I don't have any advice to give you, but my condolences. I have my own forest fire over here." Shayne started a contagious laugh.

"Thanks a lot friend. I'm going to give Human Resources a call. I want to become familiar with my mystery lady, before I offer her the position. I don't even know if she's married, has a family, or is willing to move to Georgia. This is a little sticky." I sat back in my chair, twirling a pen in my hand.

"Keep me posted on Miss Dunbar. Sabine liked her instantly, and was surprised that she was with you." Shayne tried to stifle a laugh.

"I wish I found this so comical. This is serious business. I am looking forward to coming face to face with her, again. I still don't know anything about her, and how she showed up at your wedding. Something tells me, she's a handful." I hung up with my friend.

My thoughts returned to Miss Dunbar, and a huge smile crossed my face. I rested my thumb under my lower lip, thinking for a few moments. "Jeanette, can you pull the file for Miss Nicole Dunbar and email it to my office?" I got the ball rolling.

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