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I woke up early in the morning to pansys snores.
Astoria was just waking up aswell. We both got out of bed and she took a shower and left the bathroom to change so I could get mine in. When we were both done with everything we decided to head down to the great Hall.

We've never really hung out but we just felt like it was nessicary due to neither of us really having friends. But when class time rolled around we separated. She was a year below so she had to go to a separate class.

When I walked into potions and sat down at my normal seat I felt eyes on me. Scared to look I kept my head down. Snape did eventually come in but his normal look wasn't etched upon his face. It was more of anger really.

"Silence! Page 74 go!" He said not explaining anything. I opened my page and found a poison cure. I looked it over for a second to make sure before getting my ingredients and a few extra.
I got to work looking over the potion carefully.

As I was crushing the vine string into powder I heard something.

"Ugly isn't she. Her red hair makes her look worse." A voice came from behind me trying to be quiet.

"I know right. And I mean come on she scared of harry Potter. How pathetic." Another spoke.

"I know. He's so nice how can she be scared of him. She's so stupid. Really should die truly. Would be better." The first spoke.

This made me pause eyes widening. Tears flew to my eyes but I held them back. Barely. My vision was fogged. I finished my potion quickly not stalling or missing a beat. I bottled it and set it on snapes desk before leaving the room.

I slammed the door behind me and ran off. I slipped into a hidden corridor and slid down the wall bag at my side. Why of all times. Why now! My eyes flickered. No! I can't let it happen now! I took a deep breath and they flickered again. Problem was my tips weren't the same. They had gone dark blue.

It wasn't bad but it looked a little weird. After a while it faded back into the red it usally was. I stood up and walked to my next class. I slipped into the shadows again as I walked to divination. I walked the stairs and as I made it to the trap door the bell rang. Students flooded out and went off to their next class.

I walked up the stairs to the room. When I entered I heard "so we meet ms.potter. but I persume you would like me to call you lauretta if I'm correct." The professor said making me nod.

"I sense talent from you..but it's not looked at." She said as I sat down. I shrugged and we waited for people to show up. When everyone one was here she explained what we would be learning and all that stuff.

When she was done explaining we stood up and got tea cups. I grabbed one that was in the back and overlooked. It was purple and blue and the smallest. I sat down by myself since everyone was already paired up.

I filled my cup with tea and drank it slowly. When it was empty I turned it upside down to let the leaves settle. When I noticed the tea stop dripping out I flipped it back over. I opened my book and looked in the cup. Two flowers, a sun, and a tear. Interesting. Two flowers means unique nature, the sun means happiness, and the tear means sadness.

So from what I can see my things mean sadness is with me but happiness will be brought out through nature. But it's not just gonna be normal nature since there's two flowers. It's a unique nature.

I notice people were shocked, scared, worried, and happy with their tea leaves. I was fine but just confused a little. Professor trawnley came and examined my tea leaves and smiled but then was shocked.

"Dear you may wanna take a look at this." She said making me stand up. I looked in the cup to see the leaves rearranging on their own. What is going on.
They went from the flowers, sun, and tear to a book. I went through my book and found nothing about a book tea leaf. Even professor was confused.  "What does it mean?" I asked.

"I have no idea but what do you think it means?" She asked me.

"A book needs me to find it since history has truth. So if I look into some sort of history I'll find something I've been looking for." I said my eyes widening when I remembered something.

"Professor I need to go! There's something I need to ask Dumbledore!" I said to her in a hurry.

"Go ahead!" She said making me grab my bag and rush out of the classroom. My feet pounded against the ground as I rushed to Dumbledore office.

A teacher was in the hallway. Mcgonagall. "Ms.potter no running in the halls!" She yelled.

"Sorry professor no time! I've gotta get to Dumbledore office! It's important!" I said zooming past her. My hair flew behind me as I turned a corner. I skidded to a stop after I reached his door. I stopped in front of it and it was as if it was expecting me because it opened.

I stepped in and it rose. It opened and I knocked on the other door. "Come in." Was heard.

I stepped inside and I stopped when I got out of the door.

"To what do I owe the visit?" Dumbledore asked.

"I want to transfer to durmstrang but I want the book you said I needed but I rejected." I said out of breathe.

Fallen rose (Book #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora