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  I woke early in the morning and grabbed my robes from my trunk. I walked into my bathroom and changed out of my night clothes. I took my hair out of the bun and it fell down my back in it's red curls.  I brushed through them and they loosened up.

I brushed my teeth and washed my hands before leaving the bathroom. I closed the door and went to my bag. I opened the top and went through it. Everything is in order. Ok! I picked my bag up and slung it over my shoulder. I slipped my heels on and left my room. I walked down the stairs and here sat Draco on the couch.

I groaned in my head and one there was no way getting past him without being seen. I took a deep breath and kept my head down before walking. The portrait opened and I walked out. Before he could get up from his spot on the couch I ran down the hallway. My feet slammed on the ground and when I turned the corner I backed up into the shadows behind a suit of armor.

Feet pounded after me and the stopped right in front of me. I held my breath and waited. I heard a sigh and slow steps. I peeked out after a little while and saw the corridor was deserted. I slowly walked making sure my heels didn't click. Anythg will echo in the dungeon.

When I was out of the dungeons I moved for the stairs. I felt a sweep of air behind me making me turn around and step back. Nothing. These dementors are not helping my fear of dark things. I turned back around and walked up the stairs not forgetting to jump over the fake step. I walked up to the great Hall and slipped inside.

I was about to walk to my usual seat when my arm was caught. Well my wrist. I turned around and saw one of Harry's friends Hermione. I think that's her name. Yes it is. My eyes widened and I tried to escape her grasp before my brother saw. He will not like his one bit.

"Your lauretta right? I've seen you around school. I've been wondering why don't you hang out with other slytherins? Why are you always in a rush? And why do you always avoid harry unlike everyone else?" She said doing a little interigation.

I nodded to her first question, the second answered with I don't know, the third was a shrug, and the last was nice more a shrug. She released my arm and waved before sitting next to Ron wealsey my brother's best friend.  I saw harry there glaring at me.

When Hermione came into view of him he let it go and began talking to her and looking at me ever few seconds. He's talking about mine and Hermione's conversation. I know it. I turned around and went to my spot quickly. I sat down and piled food on my plate but only ate a few pieces of cereal.

A tap was on my shoulder and I turned to find professor snape there. "Sir?" I said. He held up a paper and handed it to me. I read it over and realized it was my new schedule. I nodded and he left. Snape has a weird relationship with me. He doesn't hate me but he doesn't like me. I'm one of the top potion people in the school, like in the seventh year potions area.

That is why im in seventh year potions. It's kinda akward. I mean a small thirteen year old in a class full of seventeen years olds. Also the same situation with herbology. I'm too advance apparently. Even professor sprout can't keep up. People have given me a nickname for it to. Well the seventh years have. It's weird but I like it. The red half-blood. I don't know why but I like it. I write in my school books and tweak things every now and then and when the year is over I write the red half-blood in them or when I've run out of room to tweak things.

That's why I've advanced so quickly. Snape got ahold of one of my books and saw it was a sixth year potions book. At that point I wasn't writing the red half-blood in it but my name. He took it to Dumbledore and suggested I be put in sixth year classes but I had gone over everything they did and will be doing so I'm in seventh year classes.  When I have it with Hufflepuff their all so nice and help me when I accidently cut myself which happens a lot.

Oh there warning bell gotta go! I stood up and rushed out of the great hall. I moved quickly and swiftly unseen. I slipped in defence against the dark arts and waited. A few students showed and then the late bell rang. That's when I noticed...there's no desks. I looked up and saw our new dark arts professor there. He was standing by a shaking cabinet.

His name was lupin f I'm correct. Remus lupin. He went to school with my father and mother. I saw harry near the front and avoided looking in that direction all together. "Now can anyone tell me what a boggart is?" The professor said. I raised my hand along with hermine but he called on Hermione.

"No me knows for sure because the shapeshift into anything you fear which is what makes them-" she was cut off by professor lupin saying "so terrifying yes".

"Now I need a voulanteer." He said making everyone raise heir hands except me and Neville.

"Neville how about you come and help me with this one." He said. Neville walked up and he professor asked what he feared most. He muttured something but no one heard it.

"What was that?" The professor asked.

"Professor snape!" Neville said louder. He professor laughed and said he can be quite scary at times. He told Neville to think of something funny and image it on Snape.

"Now without wands please repeat he spell ridiculous." He said making us all say it.

"This class is ridiculous!" Draco muttured from the back of the classroom.

"Ok wand at the ready....1...2...3!" Lupin said and waved his wand and the door unlocked. A thing flew out and stopped and started shifting. It stopped and formed into Snape. Neville raised his wand and shouted ridiculous. It changed into a Snape with old woman clothes making us laugh.

Lupin yelled next and we got into a line. I was infront of harry. A lot of people had gone and it was soon my turn. I stood wand at the ready. Instead of turning into and object it turned into black smoke and flew around me. My eyes widened and I backed up a little.

"What is that?" People started saying. It soon covered me shutting everyone out. "Ridiculous!" I yelled and it flew off of me and turned into a different fear of mine. My brother. A few people stepped back and a few gasped.

"Your useless!" It yelled.

"No one will love you!" It yelled again. My wand had slipped from my hand and I was just listening to it scream horrible things about me and I didn't care. I took it straight on. "Ridiculous!" I yelled raising my hand. It fell to the ground as a Lily flower making me grab my wand and bag and run out of the classroom. I'm really gonna get it later.

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