This Is Why I Dont Socialize

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(Simons P.O.V.)

The day had started off alright, with me getting hopeful that this wouldn't be the worst thing, before it was mid day and the ever so positive mood that I did have, led to me foolishly exploring In high spirits of finding even more brilliant things in the town. Which in all truth could have been worse.

On my skateboard stroling down the side walks and observing everything around, a public park caught my eye. Noticeing it I figured it would be rather lovely to see trees and maybe even dogs being walked by there owners and if I was truly lucky they would let me pet them.

Shortly after drifting in, I noticed a open space between two old oak trees. It was quiet, shady, and right by the stream. Sabrina would have loved it here, feeling a dull ache in my chest I carried my skateboard over to the place and took in the surroundings.

Family's frolicking and laughing, couple's snuggling, friends talking, and me. All alone in the midst of it all, I really didn't feel alone here at all though, I felt comfortable and safe under the branches of these old oaks.

Until someone walked up and sat next to me, "hi there~" I turned over to look at where the voice came from there stood a rather lovely girl her long golden hair framing her shoulders. With soft brown eyes, I'm not a twit I knew she had been flirting with me but I wasn't interested I nodded then went back to looking at the stream in front of me. 

Without giving a response she eagerly sat next to me, I mean its not like I was just trying to enjoy some peaceful time in public. "I'm Amanda, and I've never seen you before." taking a peek out the corner of my eye, I notice that she had a look  of, well I guess you could say ambition, like I was the target of a hit man. this only agitated me further. "look." I said sternly " I'm not a ninny I know you're attempting to court me however you're not  all that interesting frankly you're quite obnoxious, and it's a wonder if you have any friends." thankfully she stormed off, and at that point I decided to move on and venture further into the park and hopefully father from people.

after about five minutes of walking I was in the midst of a thick dense forest I still had the gravel path so there was no hope of me getting lost out here. at least the path was cool and shaded with occasional breaks of sun spots between the leaves. oddly enough the air keep getting sweeter as I went on it was almost like cinnamon in a fruitless attempt I rather energetically searched for the source even drugging off the beaten path a ways while still remaining conscious of the trail needing to be visible. 

carefully climbing over a fallen tree I saw what appeared to be a small shack around the curve of a tree but I couldn't be certain unless I relinquished the preference of keeping the trail in sight. Of course I'm not trying to get massacred by whatever whack job could be squatting there so begrudgingly I returned to the trail and kept walking, and walk, and walking.

 until finally I emerged from the other side which felt vaguely familiar then I realized as the trees were getting thinner I found myself in a odd sort of de ja vu then it hit me the trail had lead back towards where the new house was. not a moment to soon either as my trip had been leisurely, now the sun began to look like that of a broken yolk upon the waves.

skating like my life depended on it I raced to the house closing the space between me and the door I hopped the steps grinding to a stop I prayed that my mum wouldn't notice she hates when I do says I'll scuff up the wood.

 wiping my shoes on the matt I turn the handle and upon entering I immediately notice the warmth inside and can smell the sweetness of tea and biscuits wafting through the house in warm bundles

"oh Simon, you're just in time." my brother chimes from the kitchen "well will you lend a hand?"
I ushered over laying my skate board near the table they put in the dinning room and gladly reaching for the tray of biscuits as nick had the tea. 

walking to the living room with our freshly made goods I set the tray down on the wooden coffee table which had a glass top and was sitting in front of our faded blue couch. where mum an dad were sitting deciding I would plop myself down on a pile of boxes farthest from the dinning room.

" thank you boys." my dad said before sipping his tea  "So, how's the town so far Simon?" my mum asked in her normal bubbly tone. I couldn't think if I should tell her that the town may have a few slags or that the forests were truly to die for.

taking a deep breath I told her " well I found a rather quaint park that has a forest path, it was quite enjoyable." upon finishing I take a bite of my biscuit, I figured telling her about the park would help her feel reassured that the move was a good idea even though I still think it was moronic .

"oh well how lovely, now, I don't know if you noticed this morning, but there's actually a sand bar where you can swim on the coast right across the street." hearing this was music to my ears as I am rather fond of swimming if I'm honest I love it the way the world disappears when I'm underwater.

Finishing my tea I began to feel the activity from the day weigh on me. yawning I ask " may I be excused, I feel exhausted." I was told I could head off to bed. I hug them all saying good night then proceeding to walk up the stairs. dragging my feet with every step, realizing how surprisingly tired I was now that I had a full stomach

opening the door I fell onto my bed allowing sleep to creep into my eyes turning me into a soft breeze that would soon drift away into a world where I wont have to believe this reality that plagues me, the memories that haunt me, the ghost of my past, praying I wouldn't see her in my dreams again tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2019 ⏰

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