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"If you must walk in someone's shadow make sure it's your own"

― Rasheed Ogunlaru 


WHEN SHE OPENED her eyes she found herself staring at a mud caked wall, with green vines growing on top of it. Spiders crawled on the surface, making Helene sit up right in a sudden bolt.

Where was she?

Quickly standing up, Helene blinked her eyes trying to adjust to the darkness. There were loud careless footsteps walking towards her cell, making Helene's blood freeze. The whole place was peculiar and strange. As she waited for the footsteps to approach her, she looked around.

Helene stood in a cell with its metal bars and rusty lock. Across from her was a open cave with a roof of rocks and mud dipping low. On a small worn out table made out of wood sat a lantern, lighting up the room enough for Helene to see the details and start planning an escape.

Just as she was about to call out for someone, she froze.

A tall man stood before her wearing a clean ironed suit with his hair nicely gelled and styled. His nose was pointy and his mouth was a thin line of amusement as if he smiled too much. When she looked at his eyes, they twinkled as if he was so happy to see her and began glowing red. "Well, hello. Who do we have here?" he purred, sliding his fork tongue over his leather lips, making Helene pause.

Wait? Fork tongue?

"You're a Creature." Helene said and immediately regretted it.

He clicked his tongue, "tsk tsk tsk. Quick thinking. I like it."

"I don't like you by the way," she muttered, rocking back on her heels, trying to act casual. Her hands were sweating and her body was numb, making her feel anything but casual.

The Creature waved his hand as if dismissing her comment. "Now. Answer my question. Who are you?"

Helene managed an eye roll and a sarcastic response, "Why don't you take a guess?"

Taking her sarcastic reply very seriously, he replied, "A very highly trained Scar with powers." Then he tapped his chin dramatically. "That was rather easy."

Helene watched him from the corner of her eye. "You're not as dumb as I thought. So, who are you?"

He seemed important, as if he was high in his rank. But she wanted his name.

He smirked, ruffling his black hair with his hand, making him look dangerously handsome close to the light. "Call me Asmodeus."

"Nice to make an acquaintance. Now please let me go." Moving a few steps forward, Helene gripped the bars of her cell.

Asmodeus shook his head. "Enough of these games." Suddenly his face was very serious again. He walked closer to her until their faces were mere millimetres away. Helene planted her feet and tried her best not to take a step back, something she should have done.

Helene swallowed. "What do you want?"

"You're scared." He noticed, blinking.

She said nothing.

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